Videos in Rich Embeds
I've been creating a bot for a good while now, and i like using embeds throughout because they provide clean and beautiful responses. the one thing that embeds are missing is the ability to attach a video in the embeds themselves. we can set an image as such, but we cannot attach a video to the embeds which is quite sad to say the least. it would be cool if we could attach videos in rich embeds. (i know youtube, twitch, and twitter links have this ability. however, this cannot be replicated in bots...)
I have just spent a better part of my night trying to make Instagram videos embed through webhooks to find out it's not possible without using the ugly auto-embed for them built into discord. This feature would be huge for so many community's looking to give their discord servers more life.
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+1 to this, especially if we're able to use video file attachments in the same way we can use image attachments in embeds currently.
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+1 with same reasoning as above, if image attachments work video attachments should work as well
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+1 we really need this, i use a bot rss to instagram and because we don't have video attachments in embeds the only thing i can put is a image :(
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Right now I'm using a dummy web server that takes a URL as an argument and then spits back a video embed. This kinda works, but means you can't add anything extra to the embed.
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+1, I would love the ability to be able to do this
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I don't know why this is not implemented yet, this seems like a no brainer. A big +1 from me
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+1. Discord pls
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Do want. +1
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Please add this3 -
+1 :)
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This feature would vastly improve my bot. +1.
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Yes, this feature would also help my bot a lot
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I'd love to use videos for my bot's embeds.
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+1 This Is Really A Must, I am Working With API's For Twitch And Youtube And I Can See Why Video Embeds May Be An Issue To integrate, However It's Something That Would Be Extremely UseFul. In Theory If Gif Support For URLs Was At Least Added, People Could Use Gifs As Tutorials And Assign Titles, Descriptions And Much More To Describe And Inform MUCH quicker and more efficiently. (AGAIN MASSIVE +1)
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+1 This would be amazing. I can't count the number of times I've gotten ideas for commands that require video embeds. Yes please, Discord :D
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+1 please Discord add the feature to be able to play videos in embed, it would be so much cooler
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currently embed an image to work around this, but that has the undesired effect that the hyperlink links to the image rather than the video, looks clunky. +1 !
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