Soundshare on MacOS
CompletatoIt'd be cool to share sound during screen sharing something. Currently I have to boot my old PC for it.
Commento ufficiale
This has been implemented! Check out the help article on how to turn it on:
This would be superb! 8 -
And so it begins
7 -
let's make history!! 6 -
6 -
it would be a great idea, I think that's the only thing that is missing here
6 -
It's a must
6 -
This will solve all my current live conferencing issues.
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5 -
Oh wow, when I requested this a couple weeks ago I didnt realize I had been a year since first reported...That certainly doens't make it feel like a priority :-/
6 -
+1 would be really nice!
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Yup, I support this ^ I really need to use sound share when movie nights or watching a video or something. This would be very helpful!!
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someone pinged me for this, idk wish you luck/
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Действительно, очень важная функция. Хотелось бы, чтобы и на macOS она была оптимизирована.
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Да! Надеюсь разработчики это сделают. Жду!)
3 -
This feature is very lacking
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люблю дискорд, но из-за отсутствия данной функции не могу всегда пользоваться с удовольствием( очень жду ее появления!
2 -
Было бы очень круто, если бы это реализовали! А пока пользователи macOS остаются ограниченными в возможностях. Ждём с нетерпением данную функцию!
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Well, Microsoft is buying Discord so, no, this won't be fixed.
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