Make requirements to block somone
As you are aware, there ain't exactly the most honest people on the internet and most of them are scammers weather it be League of Legends, Roblox, or other games. There's always going to be someone trying to scam someone out of something. It's happened to me more times then I can count, It's happened to most people at least once. person offers deal, person fulfills their end of the deal and the scammer blocks them. It's annoying and there's no justice in reporting them to either support hub because they can't do anything about the other platform. That's why I'm suggesting that discord add requirements to block someone. They fill out a little report, and it gets read by a member of the staff team and decides if it's a valid and justified reason for a block, during the time it takes to read the request, all notifications from that person will be ignored by discord as if it was on DND for just that person. I feel this will help deal with scammers and other parties that abuse the block feature without recourse.
Why would I need a good reason to block someone. That's a personnal choice, if I just don't like someone or can't stand them even if they did nothing wrong I should not have to justify myself.
As for scammers, stop buying stuff from strangers on the internet and you'll be fine, just think for a minute before giving your money away.
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Some of us buy this stuff because we want to, Ever hear of that? There's always going to be someone that's going to exploit loopholes, so I feel that it would make it better reviewing the claim for blocking. Plus, We can have it block by IP which would be kept secret but you don't receive messages from users with the same IP, to prevent raids from users that have blocked somone. I see the reasoning behind your comment, but think about the people who just get scammed out of their items because they run an honest trade on the internet selling items to other players for a little extra cash. When somone wants to go scam them, with this, they would have to get approved by an unbiased person who can clearly see this was a scam and instead delete the scammers account, effectively helping with moderation of users too who need to be banned instead of blocked by one user, who can easily find another target.
If you think this is a bad idea then ignore me, but this would effectively be a better way to help ban and avoid those who have less then honest intentions.-1
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