help with staying logged in?
Con rispostacan anyone possibly help me with this problem i have? every time i turn my personal PC on i have to keep logging into discord. i have never logged out. no its not anything i did. it just stated happening one day and its continuing to happen. please dont tell me to ask someplace else because i tried and got nowhere. can anyone here possibly help me with this annoying dilemma?
Commento ufficiale
Hi, sorry you're having this problem. If you'd like help in troubleshooting your issue, please fill out this form: However, since this website is for suggestions on new features to add to Discord I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.
it fixed its self no thanks to anyone here on this site and all of discord never helped me. only blamed me for this problem. - 5 out of 10 stars in customer service. thanks for nothing you nimrods. discord sucks
6 -
im gonna spread the word of what happened here. so that everyone knows how shtty this site is
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