Discord bugging out with images
I keep having issues having to post my screenshots as downloadable links! i am like "WHAT?!!?" now i am so angry! pls help!
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I am having the exact same problem I am trying to send my friend a photo and it just sends Unknown.png
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Go to Settings > Text and Images > Make sure "When uploaded directly to Discord" is enabled.
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Same thing with me.
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Same here. Images either take too much time to load, or don't load at all, and most of them are uploaded as a download file
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Pretty much every server is having this issue. Hopefully Discord can find out the problem soon
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Discord updated and I haven't been able to send pictures the same way again.
Does as said, sends multiple duplicates of an image file (so far, I've only seen PNG and JPEG having problems with this but unsure if it's the same with all file formats), either shows it as a downloadable link or blank image frame.
I haven't tried copy and pasting an image yet but i assume it's the same
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Same here... thought it was just me
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same problem
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no, it is enabled, but any images im trying to upload just loads for a long time then tells me that it cant be uploaded due to some error
it only works on pc tho, mobile is perfectly fine, i tried to format my disk, uninstall and reinstall discord, i tried everything
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it's so freaking annoying yeah no matter what I'm putting as an image for the past 8 minutes it does that
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Pictures go off and on but videos from my camera roll don’t work!
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Oh well, me and my server mates had the same problem. But they just restarted their Discord and they were fine, my discord is still in denial.
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Same and it's honestly annoying.
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Why is'nt any discord representative not responding to this quiery?
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Same for me too. Don't know how to fix this
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Henlo....I also facing same problem too.Something i got to share that Watching movies definitely lets us use a hearty laugh. So, anyone who has comedy film annotations must watch them. Here you can watch them for free On Oreo Tv Apk a live application.
Thabk you.
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When you look in settings under text and images "when upload directly to Discord" there's no preview for files bigger than 8mb. Something they need to correct
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I have the image problem too even though I use cellular. The images either take forever to show or they just stay that blank gray color forever. I have the latest update too.
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I’m having the same problem right now, I think it’s just a discord issue at the moment.
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Very much having the same issue hoping its fixed soon.
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it's doing the same for me too, proper pissing me off as it is messing with my work!!!!!! suddenly started happening about 20 mins ago!
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Like im asking my discord server to upload images but itsa bugging out sending them just like that.. so fustrating
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having the problem as well! was playing valorant and then this happened. i cant send gifs nor images
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Does anyone know why this happens?
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I thought i was the only one. But yeah im thinking of uninstalling can someone see if that does anything?
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Tf is going on with the images and videos
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Lmao so this bug is back
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no i tried uninstalling, didnt work
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