Cryptocurrency and NFTs are morally unconscionable
I have just cancelled my Nitro subscription, and due to some finicky UI elements I do not believe that my write-in "other" reason for cancelling went through. So, I wanted to make sure that it was abundantly clear and written somewhere. My reason for cancelling my subscription was written in as follows:
[The idea of Discord becoming involved with cryptocurrency and NFTs is so morally repugnant to me that I cannot in good conscience continue to pay for the service. If Discord changes course and steers away from earth-destroying, ethically repellent methods of raking in money, I might reconsider.]
It is important to me that it is clear why I will not be giving my money to this service so long as this is the path they intend to take.
I'm shocked I'm the only the first comment on this thread. In case people haven't noticed: there are campaigns trying to get Discord to stop this! Rub two braincells together and do the smart thing, even if you're too horrid to do the RIGHT one. They're one and the same.
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I'm stunned I'm the main the principal remark on this string. In the event that individuals haven't taken note: there are crusades attempting to get Conflict to Sig sauer P938 for sale stop this! Rub two braincells together and do the shrewd thing, regardless of whether you're excessively terrible to do the RIGHT one. They're very much the same.
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Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs use the blockchain network for ownership verification. However, unlike a cryptocurrency, an NFT can't be directly exchanged with another NFT (Google Annonsering). NFTs are sold but not traded like securities on digital exchanges. In contrast, cryptocurrencies can be traded like securities.
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