Voice Channel Prisons
I would like to see a feature that allows nitro discord owners to lock and trap members into voice channels that they can't leave. The way it would work is that moderators can set up roles for imprisoned users whose permissions can be appropriately adjusted (allow access to text channels etc) depending on the severity of their sentence.
Anyone with a link to the discord can join, but if they are assigned the specific prisoner role they won't be able to leave the voice chat if they happen to click it. They can mute their mic or sound and use their computer as usual but preferably they will be unable to leave the channel, log out, leave the discord, or warn others of their fate. This would be an extremely effective and useful tool for gaming and educational discords, as the owner can ensure that (for example) students assigned to Online Detention or Timeout cannot leave.
In the future, this could possibly also replace the current U.S. prison system, which is in desperate need of a makeover and some quality adjustments.
I am willing to discuss this further via email as well.
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