Permanent shortcut path for discord launching
Since discord is constantly updating itself, whenever a new version got pushed the startup shortcut I put on my desktop/start menu etc breaks for invalid path, and I have to manually update them.
Is there any possibility to have a fixed path like you launch discord through a launcher lnk or just don't change the \AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9xxx path?
Paste this code in a .bat file and it'll be your shortcut.
@echo off
cd %localappdata%
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /ad-h /o-n "Discord\app-*"') do (
cd "Discord\%%i"
start Discord.exe
This also won't allow discord to update on starting (useful when using BetterDiscord)
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Tohka you don't need to do any of that. You can just create a shortcut to this path:
%localappdata%\Discord\Update.exe --processStart Discord.exe
It's how discord does it when you install it. It will always launch whichever version you have.
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Yes, I agree with you. My solution is way more work, but the thing is, I have tried running Discord from update.exe, but I don't know why it didn't work, and I thought maybe it won't work for some others either. So...0 -
Brilliant workarounds. Wonder if discord would include them in the future for users like me who wants to manually launch the apps.
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