A feature that allows you to mark a server as permanently read
11 voti 3 commenti
Left Handed Support
4 voti 2 commenti
Text to speech notifications for specific servers, channels or categories.
1 voto 0 commenti
instalation has failed
1 voto 1 commento
Stream does not work in discord
2 voti 0 commenti
New activities on servers seen from icon on desktop.
0 voti 0 commenti
Hiding roles from member list
14 voti 1 commento
Message bookmark
55 voti 24 commenti
Как-то неловко получается...
0 voti 2 commenti
I can't see the emogin :top:
3 voti 2 commenti
0 voti 0 commenti
0 voti 2 commenti
Accessibility Option Missing From Mobile (Dark Sidebar)
8 voti 5 commenti
Microphone Lock Key | Suggestion
0 voti 0 commenti
CTRL + Scroll up to increase font CTRL + Scroll down to decrease font size.
3 voti 0 commenti
At least get rid of the highlight on messages!
14 voti 2 commenti
Server is not loading
4 voti 22 commenti
February 2020 UI Update
11 voti 0 commenti
Bug: Microphone Mute on Mac via "Top Secret Panel" not working
9 voti 5 commenti
Verfication by mail
0 voti 2 commenti
Discord dark mode on support.discordapp.com :)
8 voti 4 commenti
You were great, but now I feel too old to use you.
0 voti 0 commenti
UX - New channel mute UI is horrible
0 voti 0 commenti
New update not disability-friendly
630 voti 46 commenti
Accessibility suggestions (a11y)
11 voti 0 commenti
Discord Accessibility for blind users Pianificato
1667 voti 88 commenti
Dyslexic and Visually Impaired Accessibility
11287 voti 69 commenti