Voice Channel Statuses Are Terrible
9 voti 8 commenti
Mobile UI is horrible - Cancelled my Nitro
84 voti 8 commenti
Display previews of PDF and HTML files
1 voto 8 commenti
Add suggested profiles when sending friend requests
4 voti 7 commenti
Weight of votes setting for polls
2 voti 7 commenti
Discord Support Feedback
2 voti 7 commenti
Welcome Screen editing
1 voto 7 commenti
username change is bad as expected
25 voti 7 commenti
Discord Verified Badge Displayable on Your Profile (Image made by: goosey#0003)
13 voti 7 commenti
Point system for new Discord Username rollout
-17 voti 7 commenti
Name change = Community Disservice
106 voti 7 commenti
Onboarding: Remove Default Channel Requirements
14 voti 7 commenti
PS4 Voice call Compatibility
8 voti 7 commenti
Expanding timeout functionality
14 voti 7 commenti
Changing Forum Post Images/Gifs - as part of title not of description
7 voti 7 commenti
Convert Text Channels to Forums
10 voti 7 commenti
Search users
0 voti 7 commenti
Experimental Forums Feedback
11 voti 7 commenti
Read all button
2 voti 7 commenti
Option to disable Members List Recent Activity
6 voti 6 commenti
Make "Activity Information" and "Past Activity" Toggleable
12 voti 6 commenti
Robot confirmation bug
0 voti 6 commenti
"Hang Status" experimental feature
5 voti 6 commenti
limiting appearing offline features
1 voto 6 commenti
Создание modflow ru
0 voti 6 commenti
Why are Usernames evolving?
13 voti 6 commenti
Switch off server instructions later
2 voti 6 commenti
Discord Testers server
4 voti 6 commenti