When's the response time for Discord Support?



  • Falcolmreynolds

    I think it varies, but I've heard a lot of bad things about support ticket time for things like account recovery. I wouldn't hold out much hope.

  • ExplorerSat

    I guess. But I've been expecting it from the start due to alot of stories about the tickets being auto-solved without question and other stuff. but eh, I'll see 'till the end

  • lucutes

    You can always stir up hell on their Twitter page

  • Timtee [CVHN]

    There is basically no Discord support team. It's just an automated system in disguise really for the most part as there are very few if any humans within the support sector. Most of them just manage the automated system for the support sector.

  • Aðalbjörg

    Response time? What response? They will probably send you an automated message then ghost you.

  • Timtee [CVHN]

    Basically as I said, the entirety of the support for Discord when trying to get help from Discord themselves, or trying to talk to anyone from Discord, is pointless because that whole system is an automated nightmare that basically always ghosts everyone. It may seem like your talking to someone when your say, reporting a bug or otherwise. But it's just the automated system a good percentage of the time now. And infact, if say your account was disabled because of say, a hacker or false positive for example, They do nothing to help you. Usually according to others you get an email as to why if it was from discord themselves for who disabled your account. But unless your lucky to have the automated systems on your side that day, your not getting through and your not getting that account back ever. Same can often go for any accounts simply lost for example.

    Generally, Discord basically has hardly anyone beyond marketing, the dev team, and whoever the people are that manage the main twitter for Discord.

  • Justin Wayne elrod (Jrod)

    Basically they like ghosting us haven't gotten a single response back from them

