Reverse the iOS block on NSFW servers for 18+ users



  • PandoranMama

    Came on here to check if anyone had mentioned this and I am in full agreement that this is ENTIRELY unfair to anyone 18+ who uses iOS.

    I honestly wish to know the reason why that would even be a decision in the first place. What went through the heads of the people talking about this to decide that they were just going to exclude like half of their active users all because they use iOS and not another form of mobile software? 

    I can just see the Discord nitros dropping like flies because suddenly people can't see either half the channels they were in, or they get booted from the servers they're in all because it might have a nsfw channel because they happen to be using an iOS phone or tablet. What a joke. 

    Like, I'm an artist, that sometimes draws pinups and nsfw based art, and while I can share it on my desktop, there are times where I will save the art, or wips, to my phone to post to other servers, and now, I won't be able to do anything. Not to mention a good handful of the art servers I'm in have nsfw channels. Will I just be booted from the servers because of that?

    I also moderate for art servers that are definitely nsfw — they are listed as 18+ by the people who started them — so I'm in the same boat. What am I meant to do if I can't use my computer to access discord? How am I meant to help run a server, or just enjoy the environment of some servers with my friends if I'm going to be booted from them all because they show a boob or something sometimes?

  • Askareth

    Just for reference, here are the rules for iOS apps/App Store:


    Al. 1.2 clearly states that it's allowed, if there's a toggle in the discord app to allow nsfw content, not in the app itself. Discord already having a way to mark channels and servers as NSFW kind of makes it seem a bit overreaching? Just add a toggle in the webapp version, to let us see everything? Telegram already wrestled with this years ago and finally let iOS users see everything by using the same workaround (The Telegram Webapp has a toggle)


    And here's the highlighted part of the rules:

  • Koyyle

    This is terrible. Telegram allows nsfw through a toggle on their web app, meaning that you can do the same exact thing too. I have a feeling I’ll be moving from discord soon, considering I won’t be allowed to see my own servers on the platform anymore.

  • Mandalore

    While I don't have IOS, I'm fully against this. Some people simply do not have any other way to access Discord besides IOS, which means those people would literally be banned from certain servers because of the phone they use.

  • King Draconias

    So for whatever reason Discord is choosing to enact a policy that prevents verified adults from viewing adult content by their own choice on a specific mobile platform... That's absolute puritanical prudish bullshit.

    There is absolutely no rational reason or logical explanation why adults should not be able to view adult content once they've verified they are adults. Discord needs to reverse this policy immediately or risk losing a large amount of its userbase.

  • Axxle

    Horrible decision, cutting people off from their communities because of the phone they use. Let adults make adult decisions on their own, or they will make their own decision to stop being customers.

  • I literally a 28 year old adult who happens to have an iphone so now I cannot interact on my large server because of the phone I chose? I literally pay for premium discord as well and have multiple large servers I help run, both on desktop and my phone when I'm not home. This is going to end multiple servers and cripple the rest who are NSFW centered. It has to be reversed, this is super not okay. 

  • ccScott89

    I Moderate 2 NSFW servers often from iOS. I'll be cancelling my Nitro the moment this change goes through.

  • Aki Shadowpaw

    This is absolutely discriminating to every 18+ iOS user. 
    Like others said before, implement a toggle in the desktop app or web version to allow users to toggle it and do not discriminate all of them. 

    I own 2 NSFW servers, and use an iOS device, and will stop my nitro subscription the moment this change goes through. 

  • PandoranMama

    I figured it was something to do with apple's stupid policy stuff.

    All my mind is thinking is they're pulling a tumblr and just banning nsfw content in general — because I'm pretty sure that was part of the reason for the nsfw ban on the site, and thinking that getting rid of it would make more people want to join instead of the giant number of people who left once it was gone — because allowing people who are 18+ to flip a switch so they can see it is apparently too hard... because that has definitely worked before and not completely backfired on the site/app.

  • FunzoSuruali

    Throwing my voice in to say that I do not support this solution. There are better ways to get around Apples crushing restrictions.

  • cannon9009

    The solution is absolutely unecessary. Apple's restrictions are crushing indeed, but the problem being faced is already solved (Apple doesn't allow nsfw unless hidden by default).

    Discord is basically doing the equivalent of a construction crew destroying a freshly built bridge and building it again because their boss wanted a bridge to be built.

  • Sachi

    This is horrible. I use 18+ servers so I don’t have to police my language and content around children. I have a community, that this policy is threatening to take away. I don’t want this. I can’t see how this benefits anyone, not even Apple or Discord in the long run.

  • sz

    This is a terrible policy decision not only because it will decimate discord's userbase, but also because it will result in more kids being exposed to inappropriate material. We've seen this again and again- banning nsfw content on platforms doesn't get rid of nsfw content, it destroys the practice of accurately labeling and warning for nsfw content. Just look at tumblr- it's still full of p*rnbots. Preventing mobile users from accessing nsfw servers and communities just incentivizes mislabeling of those servers and communities, making it easier for minors to access them. ToS violations will skyrocket, Nitro subscriptions will crash, and no one will benefit.

  • emi

    this is completely insane. please do not block 18+ users from viewing servers or channels, that's not a viable solution. 

  • Blacktop

    This change is nonsense. Discord is no more in violation of the spirit of Apple's T&C's than any other communication platform or tool. Whether it's Discord, Telegram, or even iMessage or Apple Mail. What about Safari, or iOS itself? All tools that access user-generated content. No one can make a reasonable argument that Discord is abusive, or purpose-built for spreading objectionable content.

    I find it difficult to believe that the App Store Submission team demanded this change. This is Discord fixing a non-problem. We can all guess what the reasons for this change might be, but the fact of the matter is that they're leaving a lot of perfectly reasonable adults locked away from their content and contacts. That sucks, and it hardly seems the spirit on which Discord was built.

    Please reconsider this change. You're hurting us more than you're helping us.

  • Jeanne Alter

    This decision is ridiculous, and Discord's extant systems already hide NSFW without an active confirmation, which falls within Apple's policies. There's no need to cut a huge sector of the mobile market out of 18+ servers while on mobile. Absolutely, completely ridiculous.

  • Logic Loop

    I agree 100%. Other apps like Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, DeviantArt, and others all have done this via a website setting and are still on the App Store.

    From a fellow programmer's perspective, you are already having to add in logic to make sure NSFW marked servers/channels don't appear on the platform, why don't you just have that condition checked alongside this account setting (that you can only change on the website version)? 

    At the very least, try to make Discord usable on Safari (UI scales horribly and isn't usable) to give people who primarily communicate on mobile an option to use. 

  • Buttᵉʳᶜᵘᵖ

    Guess we can all drop our Nitro subscriptions if they don’t fix this 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • zetsubonna

    This will kill any chance of anyone in my ALREADY PRIVATE CHANNELS going nitro. We’re adults with money. You should let us verify our accounts (with ID and pictures like you were already doing) and leave us alone.

  • LinkedWolf

    I completely understand why this is being done, but an outright ban on 18+ content for everyone who uses iOS is ridiculous. NSFW content is disabled by default Discord, so it falls within Apple’s Terms of Service. It’s not too late to fix this mistake.

  • HoneyBunny

    I primarily use discord on my phone cause I can’t be at my lap top every time I wanna text my servers. This is completely unacceptable to block my content cause of the phone is use. Either this doesn’t go through or we can just start posting NSFW in SFW servers. Pick your battle discord

  • So this may be a stupid suggestion, but instead of blocking all NSFW servers why don't NSFW server Admins and or Mods do ID checks, and have discord themselves do the same that would be almost a win win scenario 

  • vrose23

    It is so asinine that I can have no issues accessing the servers I've been a part of for years on my laptop but somehow I, a fully grown adult, cannot access the same content on the phone that I've purchased with my own money. There HAS to be a better solution than just outright blocking people from seeing NSFW servers on iOS. I use discord on my phone all the time because it's so much easier than having my laptop open. By not being able to access discord in the app - as it's also almost unusable in the mobile browser - this is simply just going to mean that I will be using discord less and less. I'll be cancelling my nitro subscription as well. What a horrible decision, please reverse it. 

  • beren

    ID and pictures? no way. Companies are terrible with keeping data safe, look at the CC breaches every day. You think they'll be better with govt id?

  • beren

    Yeah doesn't mean they should have the ID of millions of adults by default

  • zetsubonna

    They already ask for ID with the adult accounts mistakenly flagged as under 18, it’s not new.

  • Froopy

    Due to this absolute braindead solution I will be cancelling my Nitro subscription. I will not give a single cent to Discord until this is reversed.

  • Orannis

    Activating the NSFW toggle does NOT grant access to all NSFW servers on iOS. Any that are arbitrarily deemed "too NSFW" by Discord will still be blocked, regardless of whether it's been enabled. The only way around this is to not upgrade past v68 of the app.

  • Thaill

    I understand the premise behind this, apple has a Victorian view of its platform. And it likely doesn’t want another Tumblr incident. But that does not excuse the lack of thought process put into this change. A much easier fix would be to have a mandatory 18+ check box in your settings that then gets backed with photo verification. Something along the lines of marking a box, and having a dedicated team of staff members (or bots) reviewing the form of Identification provided. And the identification needs to match with the user’s information input or it gets flagged for manual review and possible (likely) account termination through a TOS violation. This will also help you crack down on Alt accounts and bot/spam accounts (not actual discord bots). That would result in Apple getting their restriction, Discord keeping it on App Store, and the positive discord community benefits in a variety of ways therefore causing a positive view upon the app and company itself.

