Keep Blurple
There's a Rebrand Team? That explains why the GUI/UX is trash
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I mean it don't seem to be that trash if everyone wants it back. I mean idc about a color change but will say I'll have to get used to it
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Discord, you said in the Medium blog post that "Small details such as “Clyde lives within a bubble” and “not symmetrical” can be deceivingly restrictive" and "We went from lots of circular shapes to what’s basically a :) and eventually refining the more squared-off shape that you’re seeing today."
Hypocritically, you've now changed the font that is supposed to "go with the new Clyde logo."
Yet, there is more contrast between Clyde's squared-off shape since the letters are actually rounded.
While you claim that the font is more legible, there is no research or proof to demonstrate that more bold, bubble letters help anymore than other more familiar fonts.
In one study, authors state that, "Good fonts for people with dyslexia are Helvetica, Courier, Arial, Verdana and CMU, taking into consideration both, reading performance and subjective preferences" (
Any changes to most normal fonts have a negligible impact.
If there is no consistency in terms of design for the font nor a real improvement in accessibility, all changes are arbitrary and mind numbingly frivolous.
Your entire design and marketing team serves no purpose and should be criticized for bad decision making. Their new task should be doing community outreach to ask for feedback. Find a new graphic designers who can make meaningful changes, that actually help users and improve accessibility.
I'm "imagining a place" where the main concern of Discord isn't color, but content.
I don't know if you're the ones responsible, or if you can change this, but we beg you to listen: