New UX Issues
Messages at the bottom was nice, and that is the only thing you backtracked on. If people didn't like it at the bottom, put it in both places.
Please let me swipe right to left to access channel info; make swipe to reply the other direction if you want that (that's how it is in other apps anyways). Or give us the option for what swipes do. It's been months and I still accidentally reply to stuff trying to get to the channel info screen.
Make dark mode lighter again (why add midnight mode and then make dark mode darker, complete lunacy). Discord had my favorite dark mode and now it's too dark on mobile.
Why is the tablet UX now like mobile; it makes literally zero sense. Maybe if you're using it in portrait mode but in landscape tablets are basically the same as desktop and should have the same UX.
Also, it's way buggier than before. It's getting better than when it launched but it's still much buggier than desktop or than I remember it being pre-UX overhaul.
I 100% agree with the messages at the bottom being gone. Most ppl are right handed so having to reach to the top left of your phone is just stupid IMO (but like you said, leaving the option there is a good idea for those who do want it there)