All Direct Messages Can Delete



  • Eternalbordem

    This has all we’ve been asking for, for almost SEVEN years and they don’t respond to to barely. them not deleting DMs is a huge safety risk making it easier for doxxers and blackmail

  • Bjkbjk1903x

    I sent an email to tech support to delete all my messages with someone, I hope it will be done.

  • Eternalbordem

    assuming you got your data package, you’ll need to send them the channel ID and message ID to them they can’t bulk delete. although I find it ridiculous that they are able to find and send me every message I ever sent…. So why not just delete it all?

  • Bjkbjk1903x

    I want to delete the dm with the other person's messages, I don't know how to do it, tech support said we can't do 

