Discord falsely banned me and now won't reply.



  • ZenitGD

    I think, they doesn't care

    It's enough for them to see the reason your blocking, but they don't care about anything else and they won't change (as I think)

    which is very sad(

  • Zionhenderson11

    Yea! Same thing happened to me this morning, I woke up and was banned for spam abuse which I was VERY confused about because I didn’t do anything nor have I ever spammed anything or anyone!

  • ZenitGD

    I have been blocked for 2 years for 1 meme

  • Kaori

    me too T^T they disabled my account out of the blue yesterday morning for spam/platform abuse and I'm just waiting a reply on my ticket :((

  • Hmvetovito

    This also happened with me but my phone was dead at the time for only 2 hours. I was on call with my boyfriend and it died he called and messaged me a bunch of times worried and then when I got it charged at work and turned it on I tried to open the app by clicking on my notifications like I usually do and it immediately took me to a login page in which when I entered my credentials it told me my account was disabled. I’m really confused and I don’t know if I did the ticket right i never had any account questions on the ticket and it said I replied no to a bunch of questions. Is that normal for the tickets? 

  • Ky

    This literally happened to me last night and I didn’t do anything. I have 2FA on my account and a very complex password and I’ve been clean up to this point. 


    Also I literally am unable to check on my tickets on my PC because I got logged out of support and somehow between this morning (when it worked) to now (writing this reply entirely on my phone where I’m still logged in) they changed the login setup for the Support website and now my correct credentials are apparently incorrect. 

  • Tardis_Doctorwho

    Yo llevo desde el jueves pasado igual, sin mas me han sancionado primero con un toque de atencion de 24h pero a los 5 min ya no podia ni entrar en discord y pone al resetear password que la cuenta esta deshabilitada(el mayor de las penalizaciones), he reclamado por mayor de edad y tb por hackeo del mismo bot de discord que te bloquea la cuenta si observa algo sancionable. En mi caso fue un gif que elimine al instante y en 8 años que llevo no he tenido nunca ninguna infraccion. Ahora a esperar que contesten.

  • ZenitGD

    I sent a meme on server with friends and received a notification from discord that I allegedly "violated our rule", it was stupid, but I didn't argue, I decided to delete it because I'm afraid of the consequences, but literally a few seconds pass and I get a SECOND notification of the SAME VIOLATION, probably this is a bug that the developers don't care about, if they don't answer such questions, thinking that "everything is fine", but in fact nothing is good

    I've been blocked 2 years for 1 meme, it's so stupid, and no matter how much I write, I get a response by bot:


  • ZenitGD

    Ngl, i hate Nelly, idk he bot or no, but it doesn't help in any way

    I wrote more than once in "Appeals and age updates requests“ and received the same stupid answer not from a person, but from a Bot, and they still dare to put the status of the question ”completed" when nothing is completed

  • Tie-Luna

    I completely agree with everyone! All my posts are going under pending approval at the moment (not sure if it’s because I’m cursing up a storm or what) but this is getting ridiculous. If they don’t care, it effing sucks. Especially for the ones of us who were *paying* for this app in the first place. It’s starting to get irritating.

  • ZenitGD


    They don't care, I literally feel terrible mentally and the support response is “..” , I don't understand what's going on there, but it's very stupid on their part

  • Tie-Luna

    They really should care, because we’re the ones fueling their app n poop and not doing crap when we’re falsely banned. It’s so stupid. I’m so tired, so done.

  • ZenitGD

    I myself am starting to get tired and completely disappointed in this, it is strange that they do NOT notice this complaints

  • AnimeWeeb

    Guess what, they did the same thing to me. Discord service has the worst service tbh. It’s like they request the information, you give it to them and they completely scam you out of your account

  • ZenitGD


    Now it's not people in support, but bots who don't care about everything and they will write what they are prescribed

  • Masonportman46

    It's been since novemeber2023 my accountt got disbaled and now probably deleted 

  • ZenitGD

    what? 2023??? Omg, that sad…

