All of my stuff is getting hacked and banned
Ever since my account was disabled, everything else tied to my email that is linked to my discord is getting banned. Thank you discord for ruining my life. Someone is now spending my hard earned money because of a data breach. My twitch was banned for spam, my twitter was banned for spamming/botting. My discord was disabled for spam/platform abuse. I am losing everything and not a single thing has been said. I have been spamming you guys because I had just bought nitro for my account to get disabled the same day. I would like my life back please because someone else is out there living as me because you guys have shit security and a shit support team that is just automated bot bullshit.
Firstly, calm down, secondly, discord has disabled support, since there is no response from them and only BOTS are sitting in support, in following days MAYBE they will return normal support, but for now it will be better if you just go outside and get some fresh air
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Yeah I understand that, it’s just frustrating because I am literally losing everything due to my info getting leaked through discord. Everything I have had for years is getting banned for no reason. I apologize for my vulgar words and behavior but as someone who is literally losing everything tied to the email used to sign up for the discord account is getting banned and/or hacked. I apologize on my part, I will be patient. I am just very very worried about my stuff.
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I'm also the same part. Everything I have in discord is gonna get banned/hacked I fell for a scam luckily I didn't sent them the money and yes they asked me to change my email account, but I can't change my old email account because it needs a verification of the hacked email account. I am also gonna lose everything everything tied to my email used to sign up for in the discord is getting banned/hacked. And I did sent the official discord support team my request. I just want my old email account back.
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How many of these false blocks cases have occurred in the absence of discord support...
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My friends account got disabled the same day mine did. It seems like it was huge wave of false disables on accounts. I own and manage many servers on discord, I would never spam or abuse the platform in any way. It’s just sad man, all of my friends, memories..6 years worth of stuff, just gone if I don’t get this account back…and now my twitch gets banned. I worked so hard to gain a following on there and now its banned for spam as well. It just hurts man.
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I got my account disabled today as well so… Discord support is just a joke at this point. I am so mad for even purchasing Nitro at this point if I can just get disabled on a whim when all I did was play video games. I only talked to two people today, both best friends of mine irl. I close my PC, get in bed and receive a mail stating my acc got disabled, sending me the classic “You violated TOS”, ok damn, sorry for trying to get some sleep, lol
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I wonder how long it’s gonna take discord to help us. It’s been months for some people I have seen.