Shortcuts support for IOS (custom status’s)
Hello, I am suggesting adding iOS/Apple Shortcut support, specifically for setting your Discord status.
This would be helpful for a couple of things.
First, it could automatically change your status when at work. This would be done by creating a Focus mode that is enabled when you get to work, and adding an automation in the Shortcuts app that runs when the Focus mode is enabled. The automation would run an action to set your status to, say, “Working” with the online mode set to Do Not Disturb. The status text and online mode could be separate functions.
This could also allow users to create custom RPC-like messages. For example, if you’re listening to music, you could create an automation that checks when a song is played and sets your status to “Listening to music.” Or, when an app like Minecraft is opened, you could create an automation that sets your status to “Playing Minecraft.”
In conclusion, there are many ways this feature could be used for customization, thus improving the user experience.