Feature Request: Animated Roles for Nitro
回答済みI think it would be awesome for Nitro members to be able to choose which color their name will be displayed as in chat, despite their highest role color. Additionally, it would be even cooler if Nitro members could select a rainbow color that cycles through all the colors and if we could even create a role with this rainbow effect in our own servers. The concept of animated role colors would lead to more customizable roles in servers, and reduce the chance of using the same base color more than once in larger servers.
This is a dupe of https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360030264251 , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
As a gay guy that leads his own Gaming Community with a big LGBT part in it, I vote a BILLION times for a rainbow rank!! :D