Temporary Voice/Text Channel
Add a permission who able @everyone/a certain role to create temp channel in the server.
Administrators can setup the default max delay before they will be automatically deleted in server settings, also default max users who can join theses channels in server settings.
The Room-Master will be able to personalize the bitrate, amount of users, and other things for voice chat, and slowmode for text chat, and many other things. He will able to add/remove anyone and even, people will can't to join/see channel, even if they are not invited in the channel, or if they are removed from the channel or if they have a permission to bypass or if he is Administrator
When everyone left the voice channel, the latter is simply deleted, and for voice channel, after x min without message (example: After 30 min without message, a prevention message from the Discord Bot Clyde will mention every participant of the conversation)
This menu could have an other option called "Enter temp channel code", this option grant access to the channel with a code made by the Room-Master without invitation needed.
Example permission names:
• Temporary Channel (Category of permissions)
- Temporary Channel Manage (Bypass the lock of the channel)
- Temporary Channel Lock/Unlock (Lock/Unlock channel for user who aren't invited)
- Temporary Channel Create (Create/Delete is own temp chan [voice/text])
This needs more upvotes, still can't understand why this isn't a thing in discord. Discord is supposed to be for gamers, this is a standard feature in any teamspeak server.
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We can do already do this with a bot but it would be cool if this is added to a vanilla channel, it will be more easy to setup for everyone
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I don't see much usefulness to this besides for very specific groups of people or events that do not take around Discord itself. Bots seem more optimized to do this.
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@redlegamin , what bot are you using?
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@Fig I'm using my own bot... Not sure if there is already a bot for this. If not, I will try to release one cuz a lot of people want this.
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Pls do
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I'm not sure I see the value of a temporary text channel, but my own Discord server could definitely benefit from this feature for voice. Maybe this could be two different permissions?
I run a gaming Discord and while we have permanent voice channels for the more popular games, letting users create their own channels for a specific session/game would be brilliant.
I'm pretty sure I suggested this myself months ago, but I can't find any trace of it.
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Please push this!
I used TeamSpeak before and it was great to have. Really miss that feature1 -
Search voicemaster if you want a temp voicechannel bot, it does the job.
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I have the voicemaster bot. The point still stands this should be something that is included in Discord instead of relying on outside development. The problem with all bots is they are sometimes down and no longer function whereas TeamSpeak it is built into the server software so it never stops working unless the whole server is down and in those cases you have a bigger issue than just a functionality issue.
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Yes please add this discord, I think this post has enough up votes now to get the point across.
We need this feature, it allows for not specific topics that can be latter removed either by admins/creator or have server have a set time for it to stay up for that member group. It would be nice to have control over what groups and for how long too.1