Separate Conversation Topic Tabs for DM
Currently, when you're talking to a friend in direct messages there is only one conversation thread. It would be nice to be able to create tabs for different conversation topics.
To give an example:
You receive a new message from your friend Steve asking you about hanging out tomorrow. The message appears on a tab near his name called "main", below that is a tab called "dungeons&dragons ". Steve and yourself are also discussing your weekly d&d sessions, but the conversation is kept separate and tidy thanks to having its own conversation tab.
Tabs could be optional, and maybe there's a "view all tabs" button if you want to see them in one place, but Steve doesn't.
Channels! I should have called them channels! Servers have different channels for different topics. Direct messages should have channels too
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YES, PLEASE add this feature!! I don't know how many times I've said I WISH I could have more than one Direct Message per person for different conversation topics!!
DM Channels (or topic tabs) = PERFECT!
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Yes Please!
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I mean maybe, but like why not just have a Discord server for the two of you. With the folders you could easily keep your Discord servers clean. I'm not opposed to the DM channels, I just think it might be a little unnecessary.
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I would absolutely love this as a feature
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Should a user really need to create a discord server for each person they speak to in DMs where they want to keep some of their conversations separate? What, then, is the purpose of DMs?
Why have this feature Angst suggested? I ask why not?
Here are a few reasons discord servers with individuals is not necessarily ALWAYS feasible.
1) Some users are already at their maximum number of allowed Discords.
2) If users make Discord servers for each person they want to keep separate topics with, that would limit the number of other PUBLIC Discord servers BOTH users would be able to join.
3) Some users have a large number of clients, employees, and/or community members who they speak with in DMs. It would be unreasonable for one user to create Discord servers for each person they speak with in these different categories of users on a regular basis.
Have you ever considered the amount of messages game developers, administrators, community managers, and moderators of official Discord servers go through in their DMs?
It would be pretty insane if you think about how that would be if they created a Discord server for each DM they'd like to keep folders or channels for, from one person.
I am still hoping this gets implemented!!
I'd also like to add another suggestion that may help the devs with implementing this feature.
On any previously existing conversation between the users, it would help to be able to click and drag those comments to the appropriate channel or tab; or, add a feature where you can go through each comment and select the appropriate channel it gets moved to.
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Still not a feature T_T
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I made a new topic with an improved idea