Under 13
(Note I tried posting this but it seemingly disappeared, so If you see a duplicate of this my bad). Probably half the userbase is under 13. Some don’t know it’s not allowed. Most of them say the most vulgar things, they’d probably laugh at NSFW content. The COPPA rule says a child can be under 13, as long as they have parental permission and supervision, with the guardian having full management of the account. Roblox and google have that, you need to submit a parent’s email and the parents can manage their child’s account. Discord should be the same. Discord is popular for children for a lot of the same reason as adults. To keep up on games and their communities, to join different communities, to keep in touch with all their friends, to manage their own server, and discord can even be used for school and work purposes. Some have jokes about being underage and wrongfully disabled. Discord is just as useful to children as adults, a lot of games that use discord are games for those under 13, it’s not fair if these children cannot use discord for their favorite games while adults can, especially if it’s a kid friendly game. I’m not asking for this immediately, nor am I asking this to unban all U13 accounts. Take your time with this, consider it, and think about it carefully. I do not care how long it takes, I simply think it is a better idea for both the users and company. Since children Would be allowed on it, discord would grow in popularity since children can use it safely, inspiring more younger kids to use it, while children who want to use it won’t have to worry about being banned or using it unsupervised. I am asking you that you consider this carefully and slowly, take as long as you want.
So they're just being lazy? If kids don't know how to act on the internet, that's the parents' responsibility, not the government. If parents have to rely on over-restrictive rules to protect their child on the internet, they shouldn't be letting their child on the internet in the first place. If they are making rules about child online protection, why aren't they making rules about child offline protection? The world is a terrible place, and the internet provided a safe communication service for children, with no way of getting physically hurt, until they were blocked from making accounts. If you're anonymous, people can impersonate you, and that's not nice at all, under 13 or not. Children don't have phones, so if they're in an emergency, they can't call 911. Usually only adults/some teens have phones. It's not nice to be treating children like animals. In school, they're always taught to 'do to others what you want to be done to you', but adults are not following that rule. Children are trained to lie to websites about their age, and they have the constant fear of getting their age found out, and getting banned for it. Age isn't a thing you can control. Some children are smarter than most adults, even smarter than Donald Trump, which is a very low bar, but some children go higher. Some teens/adults are immature and act like what most people would think children act like. Children who want to get rid of this rule can't, because """""thEiR nOT OlD a nUF!!!!!""""" and they correct the adults by saying 'they're*' but nobody listens because """""thEiR nOT OlD a nUF!!!!!""""" I say instead of limiting access by legal age, limit access by mental age. There is a difference.
54 -
Some kids are more mature than teens and maybe adults.Because children wanted to communicate with their friends playing games or sending a funny picture. Or talking to other people.Just because they are under 13 does not mean they have a IQ under 50 or 30, some people under 13 or even under 8 can be smarter than Donald Trump or maybe even some teenagers.Some 10 year olds are even smarter than me. The children have to worry about their age found out. But their actually just wanted to play games with other people. And if their age got found out, their account got disabled, and every human would 100% be sad about it.And because their children, they probably cry because of it. If children wanted to use discord, just block some features, example: VC, personal infomation, etc. Instead of banning the children just because "tHEiR UNdeR THe AgE oF13", look at the other things, kids nowadays are really smart, and I actually mean it.These kids can actually behave well. Lets just say it. If you know the user is under 13 and you think that hes really stupid so you just report the heck out of him, then you are the one who is stupid. Because you DO NOT even know how smart he is, and how kind they are. Seriously, their just trying to communicate with other people, and play some games. Discord can used for homework, like contacting your online friends to help you with your homework, or maybe some issues with your relatives or anything (just dont say too much personal infomation).
31 -
There are always ways to work around things. Discord is as useful to kids as it is to adults. Don’t focus on the reasons to no do sth, focus on getting around them and the reasons to do it. Kids are smarter than we think. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of those who terrorize them, we should focus on stopping them. I said consider this carefully and take your time.
27 -
I also think this rule is not right. If kids want to be able to support their favorite game or show some stuff they made. (Like another comment said). They should be able to use discord. Make them put in there age and parents email, like ROBLOX. It only is not safe for them when they get in a bad community with content they shouldn’t see. Lots of servers ARE NOT like that, if anything some look like they are for kids and kid friendly. But if a kid were to get in the server not knowing the rule and someone finds out there age, they get banned and account terminated. It isn’t fair.
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VS, that’s what I always try to say about the tos. I read your message and that’s what they should do. Children have to like lie that they are 13 to be on apps and sites. But they think complying with coppa can save children, dude. Discord should be for everyone, then kids gotta worry about when someone finds about their age, and they get reported, the kid is mad that they’re account is disabled. For example: Lets say someone reported me and I Hope when I get back home from school on my phone my account is still there but boom I’m mad account disabled. Like you said, the government shouldn’t worry. And discord, let the kids use discord, because your app is way better than any other app. And you didn’t have to do that anyway with coppa. The kid could have just done “Scan direct messages from everyone”. That would be a better way. Plus discord is better than anything. (My personal opinion) but dude, can’t you at least let the kids use discord? What if kids want to share their nice artwork they made? Discord you can share your screenshots and stuff, for example, roblox you can’t. Just do it this way, or like VS said. You have thousands of kids who are mad because they can’t use discord. The parent should worry about the stuff, not the government. Jesus
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here is the thing its not fair that people have to get ban from server just because they're under 13. how come they wont put it as under 12? in my opinion the discord community should of have a rule of saying you should be under 12 but not under 13 like some kids are mature, more mature then teenagers. teenagers are mature but just have a mind of a a 10 year old why would you guys as the discord community have to ban account because of they're age? i get that you don't want any toxic behavior but its not the kids fault its they're parents. the parents should of been a better guardian to then its not fair don't blame the kids blame the parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Grown-ups are known to ruin things meant for kids. They claim that “They can’t understand it”. They can understand them perfectly even if it’s not meant for kids. And they don’t need to understand so much of something, they wanna use, play, or watch something, that will lead them to understand it. If something that kids can’t understand is in a popular game, website, etc, that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy it.
23 -
Some kids are more mature than teens and maybe adults.Because children wanted to communicate with their friends playing games or sending a funny picture. Or talking to other people.Just because they are under 13 does not mean they have a IQ under 50 or 30, some people under 13 or even under 8 can be smarter than Donald Trump or maybe even some teenagers.Some 10 year olds are even smarter than me. The children have to worry about their age found out. But their actually just wanted to play games with other people. And if their age got found out, their account got disabled, and every human would 100% be sad about it.And because their children, they probably cry because of it. If children wanted to use discord, just block some features, example: VC, personal infomation, etc. Instead of banning the children just because "tHEiR UNdeR THe AgE oF13", look at the other things, kids nowadays are really smart, and I actually mean it.These kids can actually behave well. Lets just say it. If you know the user is under 13 and you think that hes really stupid so you just report the heck out of him, then you are the one who is stupid. Because you DO NOT even know how smart he is, and how kind they are. Seriously, their just trying to communicate with other people, and play some games. Discord can used for homework, like contacting your online friends to help you with your homework, or maybe some issues with your relatives or anything (just dont say too much personal infomation).
21 -
Getting shutdown and fear of lawsuits is not a valid concern over giving up serving children under 13 because the law states that PARENTAL CONSENT, not banishing kids (!!!) is required.
Do you wanna read the actual piece of law?
If you're going to consult with FTC about how you want to serve children, you will not get in trouble. Giving up on any and all service to children under 13 just because they will sue you over "lack of parental consent" is not protecting children's privacy at all. You clearly banish kids just to evade the law rather than protect children somehow.
That's why there is such thing as parental consent. Because if you request parental consent, and provide direct notice to parents, you clearly intend to protect children's privacy, rather than if you simply banish them.
18 -
Hello, I’m Lunar. I will tell you that, Apple have confirmed the age rating of Discord is 12+. I’m sorry this might be not useful to all of the users. But if you look at this photo, it will help you in order to understand about this text.
Actually footage was took at Sunday February 23rd.
17 -
So my Son comes to my crying because Discord have disabled his account and its pending deletion because he was honest in answering questions they asked.
Now I am an IT specialist - I know what goes on in Discord and many comments here are dead right - most the kids are less rude and smarter than most over 13 on Discord! I also have his PC using pre-filtered DNS servers and other things the control his internet access, and he sits in the room next to my work office where I can see what he is doing.
Either way doing this to kids it's a kick in the guts and is teaching them that being honest doesn't bring a good outcome. I would think that is not the lesson Discord would want to teach younger kids. am I right?
But most of all it pisses me off because of having to deal with my Son being upset - at doing the right thing - got him banned off Discord.
In the end I'll make him 100 friggen accounts if I need to! Hell I am sure my gaming group, many whom are parents, would also get up on this! If anyone in Discord actually reads this stuff - I would highly recommend you guys doing something about it ASAP, or the masses will do something about it on our own, like - wouldn't take much for me to code up a linux box and host a kid version of discord and rip half of this app off!
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COPPA only doesn’t allow it when the information is revealed about the child, such as an email. COPPA does allow it if no info is given about the child, only the parent/guardian. The only info that can be given about the child is the birthday.
13 -
Honestly I think people under 13 should be allowed to use Discord if they have parental permission and or supervision.
13 -
Well, I agree with most of you on this rule.
Why not allow under 13s on Discord? Is it because they might not be mature enough? Might not understand the rules? Well, what the COPPA says is that a person can be underaged if they have parental consent, and if they don’t give any sort of personal information.
Well, what you should do is basically block some features, such as VC, and having an ‘Are you sure you want to send this information?’ Bar (similar to the @everyone/@here one). I am not saying that you should unban all U13 accounts or apply this immediately. It’s just my opinion.
Also, some kids may actually be more smarter than teenagers and sometimes adults. Just because they are U13 doesn’t mean they have a low IQ.
13 -
So I have subjective age. So I am 10 but I feel I am 13. I was in a server and it was the only place I could express myself. I got banned from it for being underaged I fully respect their choice they didn't want to get their server taken down. I di feel with parental consent in multiple or only one way would be great as I've been crying for the last 5 hours because I lost all my friends. The only people who understand me. It was the only place I could go to cope with my loneliness and my sadness. I fully respect the owner, I always will they ran the server very professionally and I would hate to be the reason it got taken down. It was the only place I could express myself as a boy (I'm transgender but my family doesn't know.) Express myself as 13. Express myself as myself. I can make friends girl my anxiety destroys me when trying to talk to people i dont know. This whole situation has made my depression worse and made my suicidal thoughts more frequent. I tried to laugh it off with the owner so they wouldn't feel guilty for banning me they should never feel guilt for it. I was doing something against the rules. I loved my friends but their gone now. Imagine a more unstable kid than me. Losing all of their friends because of this. I just think parental supervision would be amazing in so many different ways. I would consider myself mature, I'm actually very sad I'm not enjoying life like other kids would, and losing all my friends kinda made me snap. I feel lost.
13 -
exactly why I said to have it like roblox and google where you have to put in a guardian's email
And they can also implement restrictions like roblox, with children not being allowed to access voice chat unless a parent confirms permission, and inappropriate words, sentences that ask for personal information, and sentences that reveal personal information would be censored
12 -
Just imply parental consent. It's the only thing that is necessary. Besides, if you imply parental consent, you won't get sued. Ask for parent's email, keep it frozen until the parent pays $.50 as parental consent, and that's enough. What annoys me most, is when you try to perpetuate the image of the internet as the dark, scary place with inappropriate content, pedophiles, scammers and cyber bullying. Because streets can be like that too. So please do the right thing and introduce parental consent.
11 -
So, I have a friend on Discord not the correct age, but why does it say on the apple store 12+ and not 13+? If this is for 13 ages and up, then why not 12? Look, I am 13, but younger kids can be smarter and kind than you think. They use it for Roblox, Fortnite, etc. They said that COPPA law says that you can be underaged, I am not sure why they would say that, but it is for the best that I won't complain cause I am use to younger people on teen apps. I am not a blamer, I am a supporter, I advise the kids to have PARENTAL supervision. Discord is popular for kids as well, not just teens.
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As a server owner & admin to a 500+ all-ages welcomed gaming community, I believe discord should revise their 13 year old minimum age rule and allow any underage user to join their platform as long as they include someway to provide parent consent. If this means that underage users must be subscribed by credit card through nitro (the premium service) in order to verify that a parent/legal guardian allows discord to collect information from their child's account, then that should be a viable approach. While I understand that the regulation is discord's ultimate ruling, parents should be the ones to decide what their children can and cannot do, not a social media platform.
While I did read the ToS, I had no idea that discord was taking a tougher stance on non-discord social media claiming that "server owners/servers that are aware of younger users will get banned or be shutdown" until a middle-aged friend of mine got his account locked out after accidentally giving off the wrong birthday on an age verification popup below that occurs mostly when attempting to enter nsfw-enabled channels. In the past, a nsfw-enabled channel would bounce you off if you chose not to view it. Now, you get an irritable popup, with no mention from discord about it, that doesn't go away if you close the client/browser and locks your account followed by a "your account is to be suspended" automated email that forces you to comply with the following: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041820932-Help-I-m-over-13-years-old-but-I-got-locked-out
Now that I am aware, I had to ban a sped 9 year old kid who was finally integrating with the community from re-entering. The whole experience felt wrong. Not only did I feel heart broken but so did my fellow staff mates. We could probably have been the only role model experience for the child, and if we did not do as discord mandated, we could have been shutdown under their terms of service. I understand that there are very adult-oriented servers out there that outright prey on children. However, there are also good social havens as well. I encourage all parents annoyed with barring younger kids from discord to read https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/complying-coppa-frequently-asked-questions and petitioning for a revision in their ruling. With enough angry parents involved, it should change. Until then, we have to follow discord's guidelines, no matter how angry or how much we disagree with them.11 -
to be honest its unfair that discord has to ban underage kids who are WAY MATURE then adults and teenagers.when i was at voice chat there was this kid who has a deep voice so i knew that he was at least a teenager. he kept putting earrape in voice chat while i was talking to a person who was underage, but i couldn't tell no one he was way mature then the deep voice kid i agree with hikayamasan353 and thesecretnone because they have good points and good details also other users have good details discord is just being so ignorant over this mess. literally when one underage kid says ''im 11'' literally gets banned thats literally freaked up and thats so ignorant discord staff are being imbeciles they should make their rules better
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i am sick and tired of everyone completely ignoring important details about this situation and making ridiculous nonsensical claims and comparisons.
- DISCORD IS THE REASON WHY THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. coppa CLEARLY STATES that it is fine for users to be underage AS LONG AS THEY HAVE PARENTAL CONSENT, however, discord is ignoring that, and instead bans EVERYONE UNDER 13, NO MATTER WHAT.
- despite that, COPPA IS STILL A MAJOR PART OF THE PROBLEM. the ftc created the coppa rule in the first place, and they seem to be completely ignorant of the lazy approaches that many websites take today. because of this, it's obvious that their goal is not actually to protect children, as you cannot protect someone from potential danger (emphasis on potential) if they aren't even allowed to get close enough to see it. they don't actually care about children's safety, they just made this law so that they wouldn't be held liable if children actually were harmed by the internet (not physically, remember the internet cannot physically harm you).
- YES, THERE IS A REASON FOR CHILDREN TO USE THE INTERNET. in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic spreading across the world, everyone is at risk of potential death when they go outside (i am not saying masks and vaccines are useless against this, but there is still a very tiny chance you could catch it despite having used them). this means children cannot go outside to play with their friends, or even talk to them. so the only people you can talk to are people living in the same house as you, or people you can contact via internet, and that is one of the MANY reasons children want to use the internet. other reasons have already been listed in this thread.
- YES, THERE IS A REASON FOR CHILDREN TO BE ALLOWED REGISTRATION. while there are 7.9B humans in total, 2.1B of those are children, which is over a quarter of the total population. as a corporation, banning all of those people from your service is allowing yourself to miss billions of potential users and even sales, because parents could buy discord nitro for their kids if they could actually let their kids on discord.
- NO, CHILDREN AREN'T THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO HATE IT. many parents hate it too, as well as any friends and/or older siblings that children dealing with this issue may have, and don't forget about all the people on this thread who were disappointed when a very helpful member of their community had to leave for several years until some magical arbitrary number that was counting the amount of times that earth had cycled around the sun since the member's birth date (although not counting extra hours for some reason, it always aligns to midnight) reached exactly 13.
- NO, IT DOESN'T WORK IN PRACTICE. in theory, this law could potentially be a good idea, but the people enforcing it don't even seem to care about child safety, for reasons listed above. on top of that, it is exceptionally easy to get around, so easy in fact that some people are underage on this site right now and don't even know that the rule exists. it is only actually enforced when someone says they're under 13 and then their account immediately gets deleted.
- YES, THESE LIMITS ARE ARBITRARY. there is no psychological development that improves someone's intelligence/wisdom/common sense that happens when they turn exactly 13 years old to justify this discrimination. there isn't even something that happens when they're 12.9 years old and the law is just rounding up. no, these changes happen gradually over time. in many cases it may happen before a child even turns 10, meaning there is no reason to continue limiting them, or sometimes it never happens in a person's entire lifespan over several decades, meaning there is no reason to stop limiting them.
- NO, "TOO MUCH HARD WORK" IS NOT AN EXCUSE. first of all, if this is the reason a company decides not to let kids on their platform, especially one of discord's size, then they are just being lazy to try to get extra profit. setting up a parent verification system and consistently handling it for every request would not be too hard to do for a company that size, in fact, they're probably spending the exact same amount of resources as they would on that just by handling all the emails from angry kids and angry parents. there is not even a monetary gain from this, as setting up said system would only take a small amount of money across a small amount of time, and it would encourage parents to spend money on nitro for their kids for as long as discord's entire lifespan, as there is no worry about their child getting unfairly banned and letting their money go to waste. hell, they could even be generic-corporate-greedy and force parents to use credit card verification, a suggestion i've seen several times on this thread, to get even more money out of it. although, they probably would still get hate for that, seeing as it is even more insulting to force kids to pay to use a service than it is to not let them use it at all. and i'm not saying they should require credit card verification, i would hate it a lot myself, but i'm just saying that from their generic-corporate-greedy perspective, it just seems like they have no common sense to not take that path.
deleting children's accounts is also a stupid choice, as that means all of their very hard work is lost, and they have to wait several years to get it back only to learn that they have to do it all over again, and who can remember all their friends' usernames for that long? (you could type it in notepad and save it which would also prove that you are very smart and don't need this law to """"""""""""""""protect"""""""""""""""" you.)
also, yes, i did use to think that coppa wouldn't let you collect kids' info even with parental consent, but that was 2 years ago. plus, the law is still overlooking several things, like what if the parents are abusive and the child has to use the internet to call for help but can't because of this law? and don't say they could call 911 on their phone, most kids don't have a phone, or they do but it's on a """"""""""""""""child's account"""""""""""""""" and they can't make any phone calls on it.
(unimportant but when i proofread this i imagined it in matpat's voice)
9 -
It feels unfair to get your age exposed to someone have the same server too, it feels like getting doxxed for no reason.
I joined a server a person knew my age im trying to greet other users then i got banned, its like having your old friend expose you to alot of people that you dont know, you'll just felt let down and heartbroken.
Since discord have a COPPA rule doesn't mean you should harm the person who is underage, plus is very personal for the person asking your age in the server, then if is a DM/PM and you told the person who ask your age, just to get banned.
Here's why Discord is 13+
1. Alot people swore, and kids might get that damn manner.
2. Toxic server are always everywhere,
3. Some are 18+ servers are there and kids are should not be allowed to view in it.Look im 10 yo, im an average student and im still learning, i hope this helps even some of them pretend not to be underage please be aware just warn the person who is underage instead of banning them, if you're a mod ask when the day they were born wait for them to 13 then everything will be fine.
I rated discord as 10+ i see people's are underage like me it means is free for all 10 yo kids like me
8 -
8 -
And also, if the TOS says you have to be 13+, why does the Apple Store say 12+? Maybe you should change the limit to that. I’ve seen some discord groups saying that they will allow people that are becoming 13 in like a month or less.
7 -
I'm 11.
I have been banned from roblox café Pastriez discord server, only because I'm 11.
I don't understand why.
7 -
COPPA need to fix its crap, Also kids should be allowed to watch YouTube, I know there is YouTube kids and I tried that when I was a kid, The stuff on there is shows for 7 year olds, I didn't like how cringey it was
7 -
I have this issue in my Discord server, I have a few underage people and it either makes my server a mess with some of them but other are actually really kind and easy to talk to, they even act more mature than some of my other users who are like 15+. Some times just banning the people who we think were 13+ and were really kind, brought much to the server and then having to ban them because of their age.
Now don't get that confused with me wanting under 13 users in my Discord server, cause most of them are just annoying or don't understand how to act mature enough nor read the rules, then going out of their way to spam or something. It's also not that safe as some young people might not understand what NSFW is and then accept joining a channel within that subject. It also confusing many by putting the age on the Apple store as 12+ but then saying in your terms and service that you need to be 13+. I have many users who are 12 backing up their ban why saying they are on some apple device and then saying the age is 12+, which then confuses my staff who use an android.
If it was me, I would bring the age down to 12+ on all devices, or change the age on Apple if possible to 13+.
6 -
Guys, this is not all about how silly and badly behaved children are. This is all about getting parental consent according to COPPA and GDPR. And there are good reasons to allow children under 13 to sign up, of course with requiring parental consent obtained according to COPPA and GDPR.
6 -
As some people said above, some children can be mature and more mature than other 13+. There can't really be a solution to under 13. Since it's against the law. Yes, some children are just "oMG I'M sO lEgIT". Other's can be quite frankly very mature. Again, I don't think there is much of a solution for this.
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That may seem like I exaggerated "because I'm a kid" but I speak as truthful as I can. That's why I couldn't lie to the owner for to long.