Embeddable countdown timers in text channels!
With a simple Discord formating command add a countdown timer in the text chat.
"Event will start in countdown:12:30:00"
Event will start in 12:29:59... (And it's counting down)
Lockdown in 00:00:30
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Giveaway in: 05:00:00 get ready!
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brb 00:02:00 min
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Let's take a break, and continue in half a hour: 00:30:00
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Maybe even something like:
For every reaction on the post the stream end timer will be increased by 1min.Stream ends in 06:12:45!
🙃♥️😁😍🙂😱❤️🔫🤦🤔4 -
ETA: 00:15:00
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Keanu Reeves! Wow!
https://youtu.be/3dBiNGufIJw 🤣-1 -
i love this idea 1 -
Let's hop into a tf2 server in 5:00
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I need this. It would help with our community events!
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For the love of all things holy discord please add this feature, this would be very usefull for MANY servers
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Please make this a thing! :)
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Please add this!
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Do it, you know you want to!
Also, When the countdown finishes, it alerts people??0 -
PLEASE do this. It would be so helpful.
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What do I type to do this?
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@wralokk, it currently doesn’t work.
We’re trying to get them to add the feature.Original post was 8 months ago.
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O ok what can I use in discord?
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please!!!!!!!!!!!!! this would be so useful. is there anyway to embed a timer from another website? like i found a timer on another site (little annoying to use and setup but not to to bad) and it has an embed code. is there anyway to put the embed code into chat and it pop up the timer?
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I would love to use feature like that...
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Make it so!
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Would kill for this. Even a bot or third-party widget that does this would be spectacular
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I think that's a good idea but only for bots.
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Why this isn't added Yet? XD
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This would definitely make life easier and should be very easy for Devs to add.
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Why is this not a thing yet? Super useful for communities.
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We need this!