Cancel the 10$ sub



  • TotallyWafflez

    I 100% agree, the only reason I have the $10 subscription is for the games, and while nitro boosting and a 100mb upload limit is cool, it isn the enough to make up for it. If you want to have a $5 and a $10 subscription, the $10 needs to have twice the value, and right now it absolutely doesn't.

  • Haile

    I'm actually pretty bummed about this too. I mean, I got Nitro because of the upload limit, and increasing it to 100mb is amazing for me. But losing the games is pretty sad, it was a nice thing I didn't ask for or need but really made use of. I played a ton of games I never had the willpower to spend money on, but thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Kyria

    Yeah the upload size increase is pretty useless which you can just give a google drive link or w/e for larger files. I have to admit it's pretty disappointing.

  • Haile

    The only reason I got Nitro was because of the upload size increase. I use it religiously. However it isn't worth double the price even at double the space. I need more than 8mb, but I can't ever see myself needing more than 50mb ever. The games was very nice, and I'm probably going to dump Nitro once they force me to double my payment for significantly less features than I was enjoying.

