Option to Clear all in the Recent @mentions list
It would be great to have the option to clear all Recent @mentions once you have read them so you don't see the ones you have already read.
I use a lot of bots and the recent mentions is waaay too full of bot spam to find anything, so if I could clear it after a session using the bot then I would actually be able to find important things later.
It would also be great if I could just clear all mentions from bots from Recent @mentions, or Hide all mentions from bots as someone was asking for in this suggestion: Add "Include mentions by bots ☑" to the display list for "Recent Mentions" (so it can be turned off)
Not putting @everyone and @here into your recent mentions for servers where they are turned off would be nice as well.
The whole point of me turning generic mentions off was so i don't get the spam, which then fills up recent mentions anyway.