Best Friend Tag (Favorite Tag)



  • Stormy蜜璃

    I think this is a wonderful idea. Adding maybe not just favorites but friend lists thats lets you organize your freind list better. e.g. I make a list that only I can see called IRL and I add all my irl friends, or maybe a list like CSGO where I add all my friends who play csgo. As someone who has a huge amount of ppl added on discord this would be a nice feature to have. I already use this feature on my playstation with the custom friend lists they have.

  • Ezayfund

    Great idea! This is an amazing thing! This should be added! (I wish)

  • carson

    Bump! This is a great idea, it would be nice to have certain friends at the top of my friends list, sometimes I a have a lot of friends online and it's hard to find certain people. Tags would be cool too, simular to roles in which u can move ur friends into certain groups so it would be easier to find them and sort through the list, such as friends that play minecraft, best friends, or IRL friends. 

