Opt Out of "Active Now" Tab
As someone who is always invisible, and likes her privacy... This feature is a nightmare for me.
It has already caused problems such as revealing the existence of my smaller, private servers to people who weren't meant to know about them. Nothing malicious, but sometimes you don't want to hang out with ALL of your friends and you want to go somewhere quieter for a bit. Now that's been ousted, and feelings are hurt after having this smaller server for over a year.
I don't necessarily want everyone knowing where I am and what I'm doing at all times. Again, I am always appearing offline because I like my privacy.
Now, I don't have control of my privacy and I am very unhappy about it.
We need an opt out for this, it's causing more harm than good.
I completely agree! This feature is an invasion of privacy and completely unnecessary. The fact that there is no opt-out, is unacceptable, as is the ability to just "go to server" of anyone who happens to be on your friend list, even if that server is private and clearly not intended for everyone (we'd invite them if it were otherwise). Either let us opt-out of this, so it won't show our information, or just do the right thing and kill that feature completely.
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I just posted a similar post of my own, and am happy upvote this and any other like it that I see. I am extremely bothered by the privacy concerns raised by this "feature" and I honestly find it astonishing that they let something this invasive go live without even the option to opt out of it. They knew people don't want this when they gave us the option to not display our Game Activity in settings, and yet this new Active Now panel goes way way beyond that. The fact that you can see people's voice chat and server activity for interactions you are not involved in or servers you are not a member of is not just annoying and bizarre it's actually genuinely risky. This is 2020, Discord, online stalking has been a thing for a really long time.
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The fact that there is no opt-out, is unacceptable, as is the ability to mycfavisit just "go to server" of anyone who happens to be on your friend list, even if that server is private and clearly not intended for everyone (we'd invite them if it were otherwise).
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it should be possible to opt out indeed , or just the ability to disable this feature all together !
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As someone who's got a big friend list because I "run a community" and people need to DM me sometimes, very disturbed+annoyed to notice this feature today and find that people can potentially just join my supposed-to-be-private servers and that there seems to be no personal or per-server option to hide from that kind of behavior. Being invisible all the time is not really an option.
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This option really needs to be removed, or at least allow you to opt out of being shown in the active now section. I have a stalker from a game I use to play, who is blocked and muted. However we have some mutual friends in another server. He now can see who I am talking to and where and MESSAGES them ... hello? What happened to our privacy? I am grateful you let us turn off the feature to show what game we are playing, so with the same courtesy please, turn off the option for us to appear in "active now".
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I guess i don't have any kind of problems with the Active Now tab on my server mycfavisit since I have been using it and inviting people to my discord channel and we are just participating like normally and by the way this is the channel where we discuss about food and games too. I guess there must be a minor bug which is causing this and of course, it can be fixed as well.
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I would like the option to either opt out of being shown in the 'active now' section or to somehow have a tweak that will let us hide/close the sidebar entirely. I don't like the space waste and I don't need to see who's playing what game
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They realized individuals don't need this when they gave us the alternative to not show our Game Activity in settings, but then this new Active Now board goes route path past that.https://blackfridayvpn.me/
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"We use this information to update and maintain the Active Now section of the Friends Tab." <-- says that under Personalization data, which you can turn off. I haven't tested if this will hide your activity even from your friends yet. I'll try to remember to come back here and update if I know a definite yes or no to this, soon.
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Sadly, it does not! I have turned all of that off and I am still visible in Active Now even if I am Invisible on Discord...
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Ok, so I've looked everywhere to turn this thing off and it looks like I'm not the only one that would like an opt out function for this. It should be fair that if I don't want others to see me "active" I shouldn't see others being "active now" too.
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Still waiting for an opt-out option. This is entirely unacceptable. I'm tired of discord being used as a stalking tool.
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Just tested and confirmed that not only can you see activity of people you've blocked, but they can also see yours. I would really appreciate knowing that if I block someone on a platform, they don't get insight into what I'm doing elsewhere on that platform.