The new username system
The amount of backlash over the new username system should be an indicator of how your community, and lets be honest, customer base feels about this change. But you guys seem to just ignore how much we all hate it and it looks like a cash grab. Usernames mean something to people. Its something that makes them feel like themselves and they carry weight. I have a friend with a 3 letter username. She was very upset when that 3 letter username was taken, so she added a 444 after. Me trying to share something with her I now send it to sam444 not Sam. Its small yes, but its very personal and frustrating. Before we had Sam#9999 for example. But I looked past that. It was easy to look past that when its in smaller font and grey'd out.
Now either someone else has her name that she was able to share with someone before, or a bot has her name that can now later be sold. Which never would have been able to happen before with discriminators.
Before I could be Sundae, as simple as that. the discriminator was just fine. now I have to be sosundae, which I have on literally everything else and hate it on those platforms, because I'm not sosundae I'm Sundae. Before if I met someone on a game or online and wanted to stay in contact I could give them my discord and count on discord to have my name right. Not anymore. Now discord is like all the rest, not allowing me to feel the uniqueness of my name I identify with.
And don't tell me its easier to remember than the numbers. I and all my friends know our old username and denominator by memory. Now we have to override that memory for something new and impersonal.
Not to get political, but this is literally like saying I and the rest of the discord community identify with X pronoun but we are forced to use another, something similar and use Y because its "close enough" but not what we want.
This whole username change is garbage and I used to support you by having nitro because I grew up on teamspeak or skype and that was garbage. I supported discord for all its awesome features. This is not one of them. And I will be dropping my sub indefinitely till this username thing is solved.
I agree for the most part. It's crap and they need to change it.
I don't agree that it's like gender pronouns. I would say it's definitely more of a "dead name" issue, which could be related to pronouns but just as many cases, dead naming can happen to cis genders, too. Like say I was born with the name William or something, but I only ever go by "Chuck." Everyone and their mothers calls me "Chuck." But then all of a sudden, the law is forcing me to go by William, and it doesn't feel right - because it's not who I am on a social level. That's basically dead naming, and it's not awesome regardless of one's gender.
I'm lucky I was able to use my art name, but it still doesn't feel right. My artist name is my public presence, whereas my discord is meant to be private. I don't like the meshing of my private and public lives.
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There ya go, you explained it far better.
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