Account was wrongfully disabled. Appeals instantly "solved"


댓글 15개

  • Reese

    I have the same.
    Tickets submitted to me were listed as solved and they wrote that my email was not assigned to the discord account. 
    I've been waiting for an answer since August. And I only received information to change my password. And I can't do that because my account is on hold. You're talking to bots, not real people :/ 

  • Tylaxe

    This will happen with the Nelly bot. Apparently discord bot is broken and they haven't bother to fix it. 

  • Xanderjjm

    Is there a way to, like, at least attempt to bypass this Nelly bot so I can at least see to it that a human sees the appeal though? If there's not a way to bypass the bot then discord has a MASSIVE flaw in its system.

  • Reese


    Generally, they switched to bots. This companyhas such a large financial background, that itdoes not concernordinary users. Unfortunately, discord has the worst support system when itcomes to applications :/ 

  • Tylaxe

    Your in the same boat as the rest of us. I've waiting to get my hack account back from 3 months ago with only 1 human interaction.

  • Reese

    Unfortunately, there is no such option. If you do, then everyone from the "support" administration will write you the same formula. That is, they will just do a copy-paste of the sentences they are supposed to use to write people off. It's a little sad that they don't even have people to work with, thinking radically and appropriately. Not to mention the fact that discord itself does not follow its rules and regulations. Why? Because every time you suspend your account, you should get a message in the mail why it happened. And as you can see for years they do not do this, so, as if to look at it, they themselves do not respect what we supposedly have to respect XD 

  • Sneh Nilesh

    ive got the same issue, had my account for years and was the only form of communication with many of my online mates and even some people from college, contacted them multiple times with the tickets being closed, need my account back most of my online mates are pretty much gone now ig :(

  • Xanderjjm

    Oh lovely. Good to know that they couldn't be bothered with us and got us to deal with bots instead :/


    Bye to my discord account of seven years I guess.

  • Xanderjjm

    Surely if they have the financial background, they could more people to do what needs to be done though? It's very backwords to me imo

  • Xanderjjm

    At least i'm not alone I suppose. It's just very disheartening as i'm sure you feel how I feel right now. If not worse due to your account being hacked.

  • Xanderjjm

    It just sounds like discord support is a mess tbh.

  • Reese

    Yeah, unfortunately for real.

    Instead of changing and improving the support system, they create new crap on servers that do not radically change the use.

  • _faz_

    They disabled me for no reason, and don't want reactivate
    i'm just chocked, i was using discord since 2016 just to talk with friend far, or for video game

    and they ban.

    again, i m chocked, it make no sense

    from now, i know that discord is very bad and go back to teamspeak

  • mchiokaku

    Same. You are we supposed to contact them like that?

  • Maurog

    Had this account for eight years, no issues not a single warning in eight years, suddenly disabled for no reason, and had no reply from support for a month to any of my appeals, then they deleted it.

    Still don't know why and what happened. I guess it can just happen to anyone at any moment and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I thought discord was great and supported it right until the moment it just deleted me for no reason.


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