Bring back the old layout


댓글 22개

  • Atlas

    Like at least bring the toggle back 

  • birdbrain

    Feeling the same, the new layout is difficult to use— even checking the documentation on it and learning how it works, it's still clunky and awkward. The fact that I can't just swipe left and immediately open a new DM notif from the sidebar seems like a small change, but it has a big impact. I have some limited mobility with my hands so making it more complicated to switch between DMs and servers makes the app almost unusable, especially when I'm having multiple conversations between them.

    If they don't bring back a layout toggle, or make this one smoother to use, or SOMETHING, I'm probably gonna cancel my nitro sub before it renews. It's not worth it with the way the app is headed. 

  • artmeile

    the accessibility!! its SO hard to switch between convos now i agree and im not sure if anyone else is encountering this but when i switch to a private dm the conversation is scrolled up and i have to scroll down to see the new message. the swipe to close function is basically gone now (calls, images/videos, etc) and i have to press the back button now for it to properly exit. double tapping on open streams to go back to show all call participants is gone as well and swiping it away doesnt work as mentioned previously. the muscle memory is upset with this update and it really is completely unnecessary. i got completely blinded by my bright pink profile just trying to get to the settings when i have dark mode enabled (but to be fair i think the theemd profiles were consistent before this update and i just didnt look often). also i just think its ugly. overall the update is feeling extremely clunky and the only reason i have nitro is to share bigger files and use emotes in any server. if this keeps up i might unsub

  • Atlas

    Im probably gonna end up unsubbing to if in the next update it's not fixed, the new layout is just so difficult and unnecessary 

  • Atlas

    I think my main problem is that discord was a comfort space for me at one point becuase of how easy it was to keep in touch with friends and be able to talk freely, that is now being slowly taken away, and now that it's different, and not in a good way it makes me uncomfortable to even think about using the app, you're so called improvements are the complete opposite, listen to your users Discord!

  • Nothanks Noname

    The new UI is literally so bad I just can't even

  • slashseeker

    I have gone to using the web browser version on mobile because it is more useable than the app because of this

  • Onirical

    The update sucks. The design is so bad I wonder how it got through in the first place. Did they even test-run it? It’s a cluttered, difficult to operate, unpractical, slow, clunky mess. I have both servers and DMs that I want to easily keep tabs on, and now I have to switch from one screen to another like a ping pong ball just to be able to see my active conversations. It took me so long to mentally justify paying 10€ a month for Nitro, and now I’m seriously considering cancelling it, because what is this interface? I’m not paying for this, it’s so bad. Gross. Why is the button to get rid of it gone???

  • Rhya

    Let's be honest, discord doesn't give a single damn about it's users. It has made many changes which make it worse for us users and they still keep doing it so asking them to do anything is pointless IMO. Best thing that can happen is someone making a similar app that we can switch to, but that's probably not gonna happen in the near future 

  • artmeile

    yall look at this commentary LMAO discord really doesnt care everyone cancel their nitro fast

  • artmeile

    also the full screem button for stream or video camera is hidden behind “add people to call” button and you cant move anything atound which is a huge flaw if they got rid of double tap to enlarge/minimize lol

  • ForgottenLore

    Please, Discord, let us swipe to see the Users/Search panel again. We now have to reach all the way up to the header at the top of the screen in order to access it, which is awkward and bad for accessibility; I can't easily reach it with my thumb, and many of my friends need to adjust their grips to reach it at all. It was already easy enough to reply to a message with a long press, so I think most users will find this change an annoyance at best. The accessibility of the Users/Search panel is far more important than slightly streamlined replies IMO, especially in small servers composed of close friends. Please give us a toggle to change the swiping behavior back.

    I also sorely miss having the navigation buttons always visible at the bottom of the screen. I can see why people with smaller phones might want to be able to hide the footer, but people with larger phones could definitely benefit from it always being visible as it used to be. That's another place where I'd like to request a toggle to re-enable the old behavior.

    This last point is much less important than the other two, but I'd appreciate it if you added a color scheme that exactly matched the old one for those of us who liked it. The “Dark” theme is fairly similar but somewhat darker.

    Update: As much as it pains me, I've just unsubscribed from Nitro. I hope to be given a reason to resubscribe soon.

  • Annabelleraz02

    The videochat feature has also been made inefficient and downright unusable. 

    • The button for enlarging the display and the button for flipping the camera direction have a large overlap, so it is nearly impossible to enlarge the display without several frustrating tries where the camera direction flips repeatedly.
    • To even access the buttons, one must first tap the screen to display them - this does not always work, and takes many tries to even display these overlapping buttons to begin with.
    • Your own display in videochat is now a square, instead of a rectangle - meaning you only see about 50% of your own display, which is inconvenient.
  • xXShadow_WispXx

    The new layout update does not look good at all and does not work well. It's very laggy/glitchy and navigating discord became a completely confusing and frustrating experience. 

    Video calls have become an awkward square with a white border you can't remove. I can't actually see what my camera is showing because i can only see that square. 

    buttons to fullscreen or leave are overlapped by other buttons, rendering it impossible to select them without struggling. I should not have to struggle for many minutes just to full screen a video. Changing video/voice settings got more difficult as well. I have no clue where anything is. Swiping has been essentially removed as a way to navigate, and the bg color choices (especially ‘dark’ mode actually hurt my eyes now on low brightness). 

    Getting to server members is an entire pain now, not even concidering the uncomfortable travel to get to a server to begin with. Like actually who's gonna think “hmm where my members. . .Oh yeah let me press the SEARCH SYMBOL” 

    There have been countless complaints since way over 2 years ago about all these layout changes that discord makes, and yet they keep doing this. Entire petitions with thousands of people on them to fix this. But it only gets worse.

    The ONLY reason I have nitro is because I want access to my emojis. With that said, i can live without them. I don't want to support an app that won't listen to its user base.

  • Kacper1504200

    they don't give a damn about us

  • MajesticBakaSpacePotatoOfDesu

    I think it's about time to stop using Discord if they don't let us fall back. 


    This update is so bad. Hard to navigate, freezes, and scrolls up my chats when I switch to new ones. 

  • Dylan

    I made an account just to voice how much I hate the new UI and the removal of the toggle allowing people to go back makes no sense to me

    It's just clunky and I can't see what servers I'm getting messages in unless I close out my dms and vice versa 

  • Trev Hays

    They made it darker as well. I liked the soft grey background. Now it's almost pitch black. It hurts my eyes now. Literally. The new UI causes eye strain at least for me. Much more than the old UI. Just let us toggle. If we want the old ui why can you just let us have it. What is the inconvenience to you to let us have both instead of forcing it on us. If this doesn't change a lot of money will be lost and a lot of users will stop using it. And that's a fact. I'm currently thinking about just deleting my account now. I'll give it till next update. If it isn't fixed I'm gone. And so are many of my friends.

  • Jamin P Rose

    Return the old layout! I had gotten it back and now they've forced me to use the new one today. NOT COOL

  • bniedert (jeffy)

    bring back the old layout so much better, new layout is so confusing i will delete my account if i have to

  • Ziblek

    I surely hope that old discord layout will be brought back, because Im super angry today, after realizing that you AGAIN reverted my web change to use it again.

    New UI sucks, and if I have to use it, i prefer to use Whats Up instead honestly. I will not be struggling with this “messenger 2” of an app. Great work discord! I hate it!

  • Basstard RadOo

    I had the toggle that was supposed to use old UI enabled so I had the old UI, until today… Ye the mobile app version now is horrible. From simple toggles being hidden I have to hunt somewhere to just buggy interface. Why it can't be the same like iPadOS version is. At least I hope it won't change.


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