Second disabled account


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  • PixeI8edPlayer

    Discord doesn't care about it's users


    There is a person I previously banned for saying really bad things, the N word, R word and so on.

    And he became my hater, for more than a month now he is sending mass reports, could that be the reason ?

  • hAmzá

    What do you expect from someone is a pedophile, abusing and harassing, allowing minors to join his +18 server, letting weirdos creeps who verbal abuse, hate speech and encourage self-harm to stay in his server,  ban evading, violates Discord's Terms of Services and keeps doing the same thing over and over, thinking he did nothing wrong….

  • hAmzá

    Mass reporting wont do anything if you didn't break Discord's ToS and rules



    That's the hater, he's mass reporting me and saying stuff like that about me that aren't true.

  • hAmzá

    Who are you?


  • hAmzá

    All thing we said and many people shared about you, has been prove*  with material factts* evidenc**

  • hAmzá

    And now the post creator ban evading by creating a new account and new Discord Bot, that's literally and obvious break of Discord's Terms of Service

    the Bot ID is: 1240062675346657300 
    Name: Saki

    Discord account username:   ID:491893077552922636

    Sakura bot backup server ID: 1227800384341282898


    What you say is slander, I will not engage, you are harassing me and my server members for more than a month now and sending fake reports including asking people to send fake reports… This has gone way too far, you are literally harassing me publicly just because I banned you for saying the R word and N word. 

    Also, using multiple accounts is allowed, there is even a “switch accounts” option on discord. 

  • hAmzá

    lol I didn't say any slanders, we say based on what we saw the things you shared and actions you did, we have all screenshots and recordings, also i don't know who you are, i don't care about you I'm here to help the victims who shared their story that how you harassed them and abuse, i don't  care about your server go ban me lmao, i didn't even use the R word or N word that you claim, you are the real one who say slanders, i didn't ask anyone to send fake reports, using multiple accounts not allowed if you broke Discord's Terms of Service once.


    it's very easy for discord to check who's harassing who by checking out the server I lost access to, everyone is taking my side and you are insulting everyone and myself and spreading false information.

    Warning, the following links contain profane language from this individual:


    He is calling me a “pedo” all the time because  of my profile picture I have since 2018, bellow is that pfp. 

    As seen in the screenshots, he is claiming my profile picture shows a minor getting kicked. This gif is just an anime comedy called yondemasu yo azazel san, and there are no minors depicted in that scene, the two characters are Akutabe and Undine the jealous mermaid shown here:


    In this screenshot someone is taking my side and he is insulting and spreading hate and making horrible unfounded accusations about me:

    These and many, many more insults, harassment and horrible unfounded accusations (more than a month's worth of such terrible messages) can be found on my server that I lost access too, and this is the link to it :

    All this can be verified by discord support (but he is deleting his messages (knowing he is breaking the rules and harassing me).

    This harassment has gone beyond what I experienced from any normal person getting banned, no one has ever harassed me to this degree.


    Here are more screenshots, the channel ID these messages were sent to is this: 897047588979736646

    Server ID: 652294176485933087

    This type of slander seems endless, it's more than a month's worth of such messages, he is coming there every single day to spread hate, can someone from support help me ?

  • hAmzá

    Lol i don't harass anyone i say facts about your sad life, also your weirdos creep supporters,

    Retar* means: problems in human mental development that result in a lack of intelligence or other kinds of physical or learning delay

    i say that because you and your toxic supporters are the definition of it

    funny how you didn't show the full screenshot part when your weirdo friends keeps harassing me and even wish  encourage self-harm to someone, when someone i know reported what he said and send you a screenshot but sad you still having him in your main server, because he pay you money, greedy weirdo mental ill child, lmao we don't harass or spread hate, me and my time wanting to make discord a better place and remove report who break Discord ToS and spreading verbal abuse and act of pedophiles also abusing people, your bot is obvious of breaking rules, because Discord staff wont ban your account without good reason, funny how you deleted your harassments comments approx. 20 days ago, scared to get banned again? don't worry we already have SS and that is covered.

    Showing what I'm saying wont help your case lol, show them your full logs so they can know the true colors of you. 


    Can't believe I'm harassed even in the support forums and this is being allowed, is there no one from support reading these forums ?

  • hAmzá

    Lmao no one harassed you here, keep thinking that when we just say simple facts words that's you can't even handle, Discord Forum Staffs know what they are doing


  • hAmzá

    Thanks everyone who helped us to disable and ban his new Discord Bot (App) account that he created after Discord staffs banned it, he wont stop creating the same over and over breaking Discord ToS again and again, someone should track him and stop the origin source, I will try my best! i will share here the info i have about who owns a pedo NSFW bot promote Child abuse, allowing racist and people who spread hate speech in Discord to be in his server, continue to invite innocent girls and let those pedo harass the girls who joins! ( Username: ) ( ID: 491893077552922636 ) is a pedophile, abusing and harassing, allowing minors to join his +18 server, letting weirdos creeps who verbal abuse, hate speech and encourage self-harm to stay in his server, ban evading, violates Discord's Terms of Services and keeps doing the same thing over and over.

    In this photo you can see someone told another person in his server to off himself, the minor victim reported that to but unfortunately he ignored it, because that person pay and support

    Here you can see a minor 13 years old little girl victim!

    We appreciate everyone who helped to protect children and support them all over the world!  

    Kind regards,

    Engineer hAmza




  • raka.san

    False, unsubstantiated claims, the ramblings of a person who tries to harm me for banning him for breaking the rules.

  • hAmzá

    What? I'm not banned lol, all i said true claims with evidences, i own many servers already with many people in it, i don't need or care about your toxic server


  • hAmzá

    Funny how Discord staffs banned your accounts even in here, they stand with the right path, because no one like pedophiles and toxic who abuse everything they have, and you just yapping useless nonsense things trying to help your self when you clearly ban evading and creating new accounts and bots ( Apps ) instead of waiting for Support Discord Staff reply about your case.

  • hAmzá


    This Ticket for who have free time and interested in helping Children!

    Thanks everyone who helped us to disable and ban his new Discord Bot (App) account that he created after Discord staffs banned it, he wont stop creating the same over and over breaking Discord ToS again and again, someone should track him and stop the origin source, I will try my best! i will share here the info i have about who owns a pedo NSFW bot promote Child abuse, allowing racist and people who spread hate speech in Discord to be in his server, continue to invite innocent girls and let those pedo harass the girls who joins! ( Username: ) ( ID: 491893077552922636 ) is a pedophile using a profile picture that kicks a loli or looking underage girl or as he says and claim (Undine) but we all know that the girl looks like a 7-14 yo female, he using a pfp that a man kicking that little girl looking, promoting and encourage harm to others, abusing and harassing, allowing minors to join his +18 server, letting weirdos creeps who verbal abuse, hate speech and encourage self-harm to stay in his server, ban evading, violates Discord's Terms of Services and keeps doing the same thing over and over.
    his new pedo extreme por* Discord Bot (App) is: Saku / Saku#1374 / 1242992693597179976

    In this photo you can see someone told another person in his server to off himself, the minor victim reported that to but unfortunately he ignored it, because that person pay and support, after i discussed with him he told me like “ i don't care what he say outside my servers ” Shows how he is waiting a girl to be rap** and then do something that i really doubt he will, just a mental ill sick fk cringe

    Here you can see a minor 13 years old little girl victim! 

     Back up info:

    ( Rakanishyu ) ( ID: 164452154222968833 ) The Main Account That Violated Discord Terms of Services, in the server called SakuraBot ID: 652294176485933087 ( ) ( ID: 561084150162128896 ) The New Sakura Bot Owner Which He Uses Until Today To Evade That His Account Got Disabled and Didn't Wait Discord Support Staffs Team Response About His Appeal, His Other Accounts Are, ( Rakanishyu.4 ) ( ID: 491893077552922636 ) ( rakanishyu_2 ) ( ID: 679760269894877197 ) (rakanishyu.3) (ID: 1228690152684257413 ) ( rakanishyu.5 ) ( ID: 1228702000808460389) 6 In Total! His Bots Called ( SakuraBot/SakuraBot#0482) ( ID: 1227795981844742265 ) ( Saki / Saki#4703) ( ID: 1240062675346657300 )

    The SakuraBot main place Discord server he use right now, ID: 1227800384341282898

    We appreciate everyone who helped to protect children and support them all over the world!

    Kind regards,

    Engineer hAmza


    I think this screenshot explains everything, he is trying to blackmail me by calling that, in order to unban him. When I refused he posted this message in retaliation.

    And in this screenshot he is trying threatening to get hired by discord in order to get power and ban me, all in retaliation because I banned him from my server for breaking the rules.

    Here he is saying he is calling me “pedo” because my profile picture

    And this is my profile picture:

    I have it since 2016, it's a scene from an anime called yondemasu yo azazel san, it's slapstick comedy, and the one getting kicking is an adult demon mermaid called undine, I think everyone who has a working brain can realize that me using this profile picture doesn't make me a “pedo”. It's a severe unfounded accusation and I keep getting harassed by him like this, he is trying to convince people of his claims.

    Here is the entire scene on youtube:

    I timestamped the link to direct to the profile picture 

  • hAmzá

    Lol i don't blackmail, also i didn't break any rules you just mod power abuse, when i don't even care about your server, i wanted to get Discord staff badge to ban your Bots ( Apps ) that Violate Discord Terms of service, lol nice try to not show the full story to people because we know you are the wrong side and trying to cover it also twisting with lies and slanders, we all saw how you don't want to ban that person to told someone to kil* hims** and you refuse to ban him in your servers and wanting him to encourage self-harm to others in more places, how sad pathetic disgusting life you have, you make me sick seeing how you protect and support those type of people and that show your real true face and colors, if you support them, that makes you one of them.

    Check this out those weirdos creep who harass and abuse minors i saw them in Discord servers that Support them and agree with them fully! Users ID: 965171137594134548  /  707943916384813117 , Message ID: 1244095048996622367 / 1244080137515962538

    I just reporting and i don't care what they are typing useless things and does not effect anybody, but when they keep talking and chatting like that to a minor, 13 yo -15 yo, that when i have to interfere and call the authorities to help, because those type of pedos who FBI are looking for to decrease the child se*ual abuse!

  • hAmzá

    Funny how he deleted most of our dms chat, because he scared that i would share the things he said in private lol, but he does not know we have a record of it hahahaha

    You can see that he got an email from Discord, shows that he violate the terms of servers and community guidelines and after that he  created a new account violating it again 



  • hAmzá

    Here is one of the 13 years old little girl victim that we still trying to help her to get out through the pain!


    The underage person was banned as soon as I woke up, we don't tolerate underage people on our server.

    Also, everything you say is a lie, and I showed enough evidence for people to see what you're trying to do, you call me a “pedo” because of my profile picture, I posted the picture and it's source for people to see you're a liar and accuse me of terrible things without evidence, just lies and false reports to try to hurt me and force me to unban you. You will never be unbanned, look at your behavior..

    And no I don't approve of any type of toxicity and drama, the messages you sent from those users are not from my server and I don't approve of such behavior.

  • hAmzá

    LOl, how she is banned when she joined in Mar 29,2024 and she was still there until today


    All you do is lie, everyone can see that.

  • hAmzá

    lol keep lying those accounts that i send info about, are your friends and they pay you per month also you keep those weirdos who harass children and harm them in Discord in your server, also all we said are true based on material we have and research, i don't care about you small full of toxicity server, when  i have my own also I'm in a bigger server lmao, lol you say loot at me behaviour? when you trying to doxxing me and asking for my full name and details, also harassing me and verbal abuse and hate speech in public then deleting them lol, try harder cuz we already capture that as video recording hahahaha, funny how you Violating Discords Guidelines multiple times, keep saying I'm lying when i already start providing proofs and evidences screenshots also there is video recording!

    Who really wants Children safety feel free to report his account and his NSFW Bot (App) 


    Yeah everyone saw the “evidence” you sent above, it's total nonsense, you do realize people have a brain and can think for themselves.

    I will only post this to be conclusive about what kind of a person he is, and I will try to not respond anymore this is a waste of time. Clearly he has a very strange obsession and he's projecting, this is insane.

  • hAmzá

    lmao keep cutting short of my messages, when the full version say, that i help little girls victims who get rap***



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