This is apparently the only way to get a response from discord support


댓글 4개

  • Thereclaimer

    Let us know if this works

  • Eternalbordem

    discord has seemingly gone down hill FAST these past couple days. the recent ban wave took out a lot of innocent users. the app breaks so often and nothing gets fixed 80% of the time. safety risks. and over all just unreliable. they layed off so much staff that quality dropped. if all my friends wernt using discord right now, i would've left a long time ago…

  • theguy99

    Literally the SAME exact problem here. It's so incredibly annoying. It's a shame discord is slowly falling off in terms of overall management. I get that it's a lot bigger now, but communication is supposed to be it's thing. Discord mods, if you're seeing this guys post, get to my tickets too. Because this is downright frustrating.

  • You Bastards

    Yeah, 11 days later and still nothing. I have no clue what discord support is doing but it is clearly not enough.


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