Account Disabled


댓글 24개

  • typiq

    Along with that, I’ve read to add a comment to the “solved” ticket to re open it. But the comments are closed & it just opens a new ticket

  • John

    Me2! I also got banned for being underaged. My account username is asoldierinwar

  • John

    The help page isn't helpful :/

  • John

    In case some guy comes and tells me that it's my fault cause i didn't use help

  • typiq

    Did you recieve an email with the steps to send verification? I’m just confused as to why my ticket was marked as “resolved” with zero response when all the proof they required was inside said ticket. I’m 27 years old. Have had discord for 3 going on 4 years now. Have had an active Nitro subscription the entire time. Along with owning a community server on that account. 

    I truly understand being overloaded with tickets, I deal with them myself. But no response & ticket closed after 9 days is a little discouraging. 

  • przebijanie

    true we need to some milionare buy company 

  • OnyxiJade

    for me honestly, i just keep one ticket open and play the waiting game, it worked for me like twice and i got my account back in 4 days the first one and then i got my account back again in 2 days 

  • Qwq587290

    I have submit mutliple support forms. My account was disabled for “being underage” I have a very successful server i really wanna continue running but the server is gone if I don't get back my account. I've had the account for two years now and i don't really wanna lose it. i have like 8 support forms with the same thing opened and i think that stupid of me to do. But it is what it is and if i lose my account well then i'll quit discord

  • OnyxiJade

    submitting too many tickets like that causes it to take LONGER to get your account back 

  • Qwq587290

    well shit maybe i'll have to wait a week or something

  • OnyxiJade

    yep like a week or two

  • Qwq587290

    but i only have 14 days before it gets perm deleted like it's always 14 days before it gets perm deleted

  • typiq

    Not sure how true it is but from what I’ve read as long as you have an active ticket opened regarding that account it won’t be deleted.

  • Qwq587290

    oh i didn't know that! Thanks for the information!

  • Zackattackfan

    I'm so sick of you people lying. My account gone since november last year.

  • typiq

    Zackattackfan What was the reason your account was disabled if u dont mind me asking? Mine was for “Underage”

  • typiq

    So I just realized that when I sent my first picture proof it asked for the last 4 #s after your username. I don’t have any numbers after mine anymore, ever since the legacy username update. Would that affect the outcome ? Or maybe be why it was marked as “solved”? I updated it with a new picture / proof because that’s the only thing that would make sense to me. 

  • typiq

    UPDATE : 

    My account was unbanned today about an hour ago. When someone ends up responding you will get an email to the email associated with the account stating to reset your password. Upon reset you get it back. Was a total of roughly 10 days wait time.

    For anyone wondering, don’t open multiple tickets & if your ticket is marked as solved, reply in that ticket (only once) to re open it. 

    I know the anxiety & the feeling of just wanting an answer. But just be patient, they will get to you. Appreciate all the feedback. Here to answer any questions anyone might have. 

  • Qwq587290

    thank you, this makes me feel so much better :)

  • Qwq587290

    even tho i have two tickets that says solved and one replied as nelly to it and just told me to submit another one. I got 7 open requests and now i'm just waiting

  • typiq

    Just be patient , you will get a response. As long as your ticket is “open”. Try to not make anymore though. I’m sure they will close all the unnecessary ones & combine it to 1 ticket. 

  • #unlockedmindset

    typiq Hopping this is the case, i got my business, years of memories and friends connected to it.

    Seeing that first email and “account disabled” gave me an heart attack..

  • typiq

    It took me around 10 days total. Just be sure the picture is clear & displays what they asked for. Trust me, I know the feeling. But you should be okay 

  • #unlockedmindset

    This is a real issue, it should not take this long to get a response.
    My servers are being unmoderated.

    Imagine how bad these situations can go.


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