Allow connection to PSN accounts.
완료Account connections with PlayStation Network
This would be a great idea. Why has discord havent even done that?
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i would like it if they actually added this feature.
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I know right maybe we should start a patishion
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Honestly this is a great idea
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I hope they do this
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I was about to post about this! They need to do this, it's been too long!
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That would be awesome!
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that well be cool
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I agree
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Add this!!!
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this would be nice to have
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It's been 2 years since this thread was started and its still not implemented *Sad PlayStation Fan Noises*
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It would be great if Discord addressed this issue
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I play on both and agreed but it's really up to Sony this is kinda of a cross platform kinda a feature when you think about it for me I play on both platforms and I have discord account I want to link my Xbox and then I want to link my psn account it's crossing the accounts to one account which Sony doesn't want cause they don't have control over the other Xbox account they don't want anything to do with there competitors Xbox got there 1st before Sony could there's nothing discord can do it's up to Sony if they want this cross platform feature enabled and don't argue with me saying that it's just a app so its nothing to do with cross accounts it is to do with cross platform they argued over a card game that was going to have cross platform accounts supported and wouldn't let them do it and the company said that PS4 would most likely not get the game I don't know at this point Sony will ever allow this the only reason fortnite got cross platform is because fans and epic games were pressuring them for it after the Nintendo switch disaster that's all I have to say bye0
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@StraX How do you connect your PSN to GitHub?
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Ivy I didn't connect, I just created a GitHub account with "PSN-Straxzin" in the nickname :p
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Playstation and Discord have partnered up so this should be a thing VERY soon!!
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@Barry-the-Bagel they're not owned by Microsoft tho....? 🤔
MS was in talks to buy em but that fell through.1 -
Oh yeah! I forgot about that!
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a tip: use github to place your PSN until they add the connection
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rofl @StraX
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It would be awesome if you could link ur PSN and then if you are playing Fortnite on PS4 or PS5 PC players can then join using an "Ask to join" button.
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very good idea
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Reminds me of the civil rights movement
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It would be awesome if you could link ur PSN and then if you are playing Fortnite on PS4 or PS5 PC players can then join using an "Ask to join" button.
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I believe it's because discord is owned by Microsoft, unfortunately...
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