Nickname History


댓글 37개

  • Underscore

    it would be very usefull ^^

  • Kazu

    Not even just for flashbacks, but for people to actually know who you are. There are times where people meet others online and go by his/her username, so if one changes it, it can be confusing to follow without being told.

  • hiccups

    Anyone can change their name in discord at any time. Not only that, but with nitro you can even change your hash number. Thus it is possible to have many different identities in a very short time. It is even possible to try to represent someone else by simply taking the same nickname and a similar number.

    Therefore we urgently need a indicator that shows the name history of the person. This is the only way to prevent people from randomly changing their name and stealing the identity of other people.

    Absolutely necessary!

  • hexx

    Not really for the API section (unless you're saying bots should have an array of previous usernames), but pretty useful aswell, seeing as I have the same issue.

  • Reggin

    Oh, where should I post this then?

  • fincatlol


  • Noah
    This could be very helpful. I've been in a lot of situations where I need this.
  • noammiz007

    Please add it i really need it. I can't recognize my friends when they change their nickname.

  • k1ltu

    this is actually a feature discord should have launched with... the fact it is not present stops a lot of people from using discord as their servers messaging platform... not adding it is basically a nod to trolls that its ok to harass and be generally deplorable.....

  • ★ LinkaBell ★

    I agree to this in all honesty, I get very confused when people change their names at least 5 times a day or so.

  • Mewi

    Please god add the ability to give people on your friendslists a nickname like steam... line.... skype... every other instant messaging program designed in the last 20 years.

  • cameronbears

    We absolutely need client side nicknames. I am tired of having to try to find someone in my server because they have changed their nickname. Not only can I not tag them--because I don't know what their flavor of the week nickname is--but it looks awful on screen with a bunch of messy looking, random fonted nicknames.

    Please add this. It is what is making me look elsewhere for my chat platform.

  • Forstrei

    We need this. Trying to manage a server where you can't tell who's new and who's just got name ADD is ridiculous. Seriously, users should have a static username that can't be changed and the changeable thing should be an aesthetic nickname, kinda like how servers can change a user's nickname on that server

  • Benniboi

    I definitely want this. It would be nice to be remembered of some of my or my friend' previous usernames for good memories. It can also be useful to identify a user who has recently changed his/her name as multiple others have mentioned.

    Please add this feature!

  • /home/lesnake

    you can crate an usernameloh with yagpdb

  • Captain Pierce

    For the time being, as an alternative you could use the "notes" feature to assign a name to someone.

  • Ady212

    Captain Pierce this is another dude that suggested, and mine was second, so what can you do to help us? We didint get a reply from discord in 4 months

  • Captain Pierce

    Sorry @Ady212, I'm not a moderator or anything. The most I can do is bump this post by voting on it (which I have).

  • Reggin

    I'm confused... This was my post, but I can't read it anymore. All I see is "just for good flashbacks kthx." by Nelly. Did they delete my post? If so, why? Is Nelly a moderator? What is "just for good flashbacks kthx." supposed to justify? Someone please reply.

  • uptonogood
    hiccups said -Anyone can change their name in discord at any time. Not only that, but with nitro you can even change your hash number. Thus it is possible to have many different identities in a very short time. It is even possible to try to represent someone else by simply taking the same nickname and a similar number. Therefore we urgently need a indicator that shows the name history of the person. This is the only way to prevent people from randomly changing their name and stealing the identity of other people.
    And yes a group I know created a name and events and have been using it for awhile and another girl told them she was going to copy all of their stuff and do it better who is not in their group because she wanted to be in charge of what they had created, and low and behold someone did it and they are hosting the same events under their group name. SMH.  
  • Van EN.KI

    Strange that all these good ideas have an average of -5 votes.

  • Bxrchii

    It's a really good idea

  • Dark.

    I need this because people are starting to act like me for some reason and people are trying to get me banned


  • J0hn_G0ldsun

    I lost a potential mc gf bcuz she changed her nick

  • ! Yonatan

    Honestly, this would be a terrible idea because of 2 reasons. First the obvious one is doxxing. If someone changes their name because they got doxxed, being able to be tracked would make that doxx permanent. second, if u really want to know if someone for bot purpose, you could use discord ID

  • Monyque.

    please make

  • Monyque.

    please make

  • Dare devil

    Just make me frnd


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