discord beeps without showing where the new activity is


댓글 202개

  • OfficalGOD

    theres random beeps like beep beep and it anoys me


  • Kuro

    yeah, i've become so fed up with the discord beeps from nowehere that i've turned off all beeps in discord. 

  • Interitus

    This just started for me. It's so annoying. i literally went through every server checked for any missed @ mentions. I muted servers i thought were mentioning me. I keep checking the @ mentions section. there is nothing new, but my discord still beeps. I'm also ready to mute everything. This is a terrible bug for a program whose main function is communication. 

  • war-dog

    I too, have notifications disabled, but still hear beeps all the time. Really annoying.

  • slikts

    I joined new servers recently and the phantom notifications started, and I think it's the new servers; I've tried muting the channels, but not sure if it's working. I also have the red notification dot permanently on, and it's been like that for years. I guess Discord just isn't going to fix this ever since it doesn't affect enough people.

    Should be noted that there's reports elsewhere of the phantom beep issue from 2017.

    Edit: muting the channels doesn't work after all.

  • claudiusraphaelpaeth


    So there is already someone that has left a note about phantom beeps ... YAY!

    Now MF DISCORD please switch back to DOOM, because it is always nice to SEE things go BOOOM.

    You know after the first BEEEPBOMB you may hear the second, but at the third you easily yourself go BOOOM or a fist might have landed in the second display after it flew through a notebook.


    Ahhh, (FFFEEEEEEPPPPPP does it make in my head after i headbutted my notebook because of a menace phantom beep) ...

    You did not have won the Award for the most useful app for the deaf and hearing-impaired. Simply because if you are you will also suffer from being visually impaired, AS WE USERS OF DISCORD ALL ARE, because there is NO INTELLIGENT LIFE IN DISCORD-notification-programming INVOLVED.

    You know what, just do nothing about it. After having some very fonky experiences reading nearly all of the posts that describe weird behaviour, you just stick to what works ... make money. Because there is no need to touch the system if it runs, right?

    If i find out who the hell did the crime discord-script-kiddies call code in the first place i think i will seriously think about hiring that b e i n g. For the sake of printing cash.

    If you stumble over this, have fun!

  • Moonboots

    Just wanted to add that I have this same problem and it drives me crazy. If it's going to beep, please make it easy to see what the notification is and where it's coming from. I belong to 20 different servers and I don't have time to investigate each one to see what it is (and when I have, I haven't tracked it down).

  • Kyouki

    Same thing is happening to me. I'm not sure if a update happened or what but a few days ago after I joined two new servers its just been going off with random beeping sounds on my phone. I have notifications set to only notify me outside of the app when being DM'ed so why am I getting this beeping while currently browsing in a server? I have even muted the new servers and still I am getting the beeping.

    I thought the general notification was to make it more convenient for those users who have a ton of servers and can't go through to silence every one of them. >/ This is the problem I have. I have something like 30 something different servers I'm not trying to have to go through each one and mute each one! That is the purpose of having a generalized on and off switch for notifications.


    Please fix this immediately! 

  • wadeboyes

    Same issue bloody annoying! Even left some servers to try and stop it. It's the Message notification sound.

  • Chucksta

    Yep, seriously damn annoying. I have just muted all of my channels. Hopefully, that sound with be gone, or I will be introducting my computer to my 12 bore.

  • TreeBranch

    Same issue here. Curious what the fix is.

  • Kuro

    Btw, in case you need to confirm the beep is coming from discord, i wrote an app to monitor and graph the sound level of every app on windows.


  • JLennon

    Here's what worked for me, since I had the beeping constantly. Mark all your channels as read and watch which lights up. When you head to that server, mark as read again. When a new "beep" happens, you can click the "New message" button and it will take you to the channel that it is beeping. Right click and turn off notifications. Ahhhh bliss...........zzz....

  • Sagenod

    User settings > Notifications > Scroll down to "Sounds" > Uncheck the first one titled "message" > Git guud.

  • SIXTHSENSE [176355]

    I'm like "Oh they answered!" and then when I check there's nothing

  • Harkadenn

    Has this been noted yet?
    Any fix yet?

    I already did what Sagenod suggested but it would be good to know where are these phantom beeps coming from... hoping I'm not ignoring anyone by accident.

  • Johnny English


    If you've only joined a few Discord servers, then may want to just mute individual channels in each of those servers as JLennon suggested.

    But if you've joined many Discord servers, then you should do this...

    Starting from the bottom, right-click on each server and select:
    Mute Server > Until I turn it back on

    If the Message Notification sound has finally stopped, then you've muted every server successful.

    Now, starting from the top, right-click on the servers you actually want to hear notifications for and select:
    Unmute Server

  • ERN468

    Johnny English I want to see where the notification is that way I can see the notification, its so ridiculous that they have a system where it'll beep you but not show you why or where its beeping from. I'm not going to scroll through 15 servers looking for the one thing that beeped me so i can see what it said.

  • Eidos

    Actually i saw that notifications are marked with a little white triangle at the left of the server icon. Pretty unnoticiable...
    Then, after get in the server, the channels with new message are white too. Pretty unnoticiable too, tho

  • FreshFries.exe

    The best solution to this that I've found besides outright uninstalling is to go into task manager and force stop everything discord. It seems to have a bad habit of running in the background. 

  • !nFerNo_

    Uninstalling is not an option. I have this problem, I run the webversion and I have these phantom beeps too. A few times I found the culprit. It was a channel where people were talking, no one was being highlighted. Everytime someone said something, there was a beep.

  • JohnnyW

    THE MOST ANNOYING F'IN THING IN THE WORLD! I'm not even using the desktop app. This is just the browser! I have manually muted every channel, and see this phantom beeping occurs. No visual indication of what or where something is happening. I cannot tell you how much I absolutely despise Discord right now. This stupid app deserves death.

  • Shimaaji

    It boggles my mind, that this issue hasn't been addressed yet.

    Discord is becoming more and more popular. This might have been a non-issue in a time where a single person might have been on 2 to 5 Discord servers, but by now? LOADS of services and companies use Discord for all kinds of things.

    Joined a beta of some software? New Discord server. Want to give feedback on an early access game? Yet another Discord server. Want to find people to play board games on Tabletop Simulator? Add 15 new Discord servers ... because every large board game has 1 to 2 own ones. Playing an rpg on roll20? You get the picture.... Ending up with 50 +/- x servers isn't all that difficult.

    For organizing incoming notifications and managing notification settings for large numbers of servers the interface of Discord is absolutely and utterly atrocious.

  • Kabrai

    So it seems that this is still an issue? I just did a search and this post came up... Would be nice to have a solution to this... Everything solution here seems to be a workaround. 

    I want to:

    1. Identify what servers are going off, and then be able to mute them for an amount of time. 

    2. Identify that it might be a channel I don't follow often. And turn it off. Currently I can't.

    3. Actually visit the channel or server that made the noise and read something that I might be interested in. 

    I am not sure if there has been a response, I just found page via google but a response from development or something about it. "like we have fix planned or are working on it" would be nice. 



  • The tenno guy

    1 year no changes. JUST DO IT, make our dreams come true!

  • Prid

    As a new Discord user, I honestly just thought I was dumb and didn't understand what the sounds meant. Thought they were for other conversations, but I couldn't see any visual badges, so I just wrote it off as me being stupid.

    Turns out it's not a feature and this sucks... thought an app as popular as Discord would not have a bug of this caliber :/

    I'm honestly being driven away from discord because of this.

  • Vesper

    Someone mentioned turning beeps off? I don't see a way to do this. I've disabled desktop notifications and just to be thorough I've disabled every other setting on the Notifications page. Still beeping.

  • Vladplaya

    April 29th 2020, this shit is still major problem. I have message notification without any pop ups or warnings. For some reason Discord makes message noises for servers that I am currently not in and don't care hearing generic chat message notifications for.

    This is just stupid.

  • 𓇀Blue_Elite𓇀

    ive found that marking every server as read, and then seeing what thing shows up as having unreads when the beep comes. i just mute that server, and i have no beeps at all

  • dandv

    Any progress on fixing this? It's annoying AF to hear beeps and have no idea where they're coming from.

    I'm an engineer and understand this may not be trivial to fix (building a notifications queue and figuring out the UX for it), but the fact that nobody from the Discord team seems to give a shit and chime in on here, is really irritating.

    My "solution" was to right click the tab in Chrome and choose "Mute site".


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