Allow server owners to designate roels as self assignable


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  • ItsDrippySauce

    I get the concept of this however, it just would not make sense to add this feature within discord. We have bots and community made things put into place for this, integrating this into discord would be the same thing regardless if it was a user joining in feature or within a channel. 

    Suggestions: Learn the bots or code em. 

  • Xarthros

    I get your point, but the issue here is that having self-assignable roles is a feature that is used by virtually every public server out there. It's another thing that owners need to set up and properly configure with the numerous and bug-ridden bots out there. The changes required for native support of this would probably be minimal (At least from a UI perspective) and integrating it into the UI itself would allow for a simpler, cleaner management of roles by both users and server owners. 

  • ☯S0LiD & Crew🐺

    Workaround: give users superior roles to ones you want to add

  • ItsDrippySauce

    It just a no from me this platform has many uses but this one right here just isn't needed a large downvote to this post, I see the hustle out there and thats okay but this right here just isn't the way. 

    1.) We have community made bots for this and well known developers in place to assist you.

    2.) Discord could implement anything however this idea show's the lack of coding experience 

    3.) Many problems arise with this and coincidentally a built in system requires you to learn their coding from it technically with if not identical bot setup's.


    Stay ambitious of course though it leads back to the same well known bot creators no need to re-invent the wheel. 

  • TheImmortalAlchemist


    The problem is with convenience. It would be way more convenient for users to be able to allow others to just give themselves roles without having to use third-party bots, which can often be clunky or take some time to set up, and sometimes don't even work.

    What do you mean by coding experience? Admins can do this sort of thing, and you can even give users permissions like the ones you have, to freely make and delete roles below the one giving this permission, and edit the roles of others, again below the role giving this permission. This is accomplishing the desired result, except that it is too free, you are also giving people the permission to edit, delete, and make roles, which is too much power for everyone to have, they only need to have another iteration of the permission that exclusively gives you the permission to grant yourself roles. No need for "coding experience" when the UI and coding needed already exists.

    Yes, the ways that discord could implement this would be flawed in their own ways, but a workaround is to give users the choice between all of them, each with their flaws, its the users choice of what downside they want to have if it is not at all feasible to introduce this already in the app feature in a stripped down form.

    I will admit that the already in discord feature does have its problems outside of being too wide, the role hierarchy gets messed up for role colors, and it isn't exactly what the OP stated wanting, but with a seemingly small amount of effort, the discord team could fix a lot of problems a lot of people have with discord. Also, S0LiD & Crew, I believe that only applies if you give the user the Manage Roles permission, which is the one i've been referencing if anyone's interested.

  • Mr Mustache

    I need this too for political discussion

    This would be fixed if we had separate manage roles and self manage roles permissions.

    Although we might need server permissions to be able to have a neutral option so people can have roles higher then another role with less permissions. 

  • cirne

    Necroposting because this was one of the top Google results for "discord self-assign roles". (The third, after reddit and YAGPDB.) The functionality is now built-in to Discord; it's called "Community Onboarding". You do have to turn your server into a "Community Server", but that doesn't mean it's an open, anyone-can-join server; it just means that your server follows the rules set out for community servers, like "have a #rules channel" and "have a #moderators-only channel".

    And honestly, if you have a Discord where people are self-assigning roles, they'll probably appreciate the greater peace-of-mind guarantees that come with a server that has set up the community protection rules.


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