Able to Re-arrange Emojis
I think the Owner/Admins of a server should be able to re-arrange the emojis instead of deleting them all and re-uploading them in a correct order they would like. My suggestion is to be able to hold left click and drag them into an order you like. Many servers have over 10 emojis and people contribute to them and it would be very difficult to delete them and try to upload them into an order they like.
I have over 50 custom emojis in my server, and I want to be able to group them by purpose/genre without giving them strange names to get them in the right order alphabetically. Surely this isn't a difficult improvement to make.
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I came here to suggest this be implemented. I have a server that uses numbers and symbols, and the fact that they can't be grouped together makes it very difficult for them to be used properly. We're hesitant to add more emotes because it's that more likely that the ones that should be grouped together will be lost in the chaos.
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I'm certain it isn't "difficult" to organize them with emoji name changes, but the issue is that we explicitly tried something to this effect. It didn't work. People hated it. I forced people to deal with the new changes for a week, and while it was an upgrade for people who didn't type emotes out, it was *not* successful with everyone else. I was inundated with complaints.
We held it to a vote, and the server voted they would rather things stay the same for now until a better solution could be reached. For our server, "s_" isn't really on the table. However, Discord is capable of coding a way for admins to organize emotes the way we want them to, and from the people I've talked to, it wouldn't be a major hassle.13 -
I'm also a moderator for this server, and I think that emoji folders would honestly be a fine addition, if it's easier than what we're suggesting. But yes we've had multiple people complain, including some members of staff.
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This is hot I like
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i'd love this so much.
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wHy not 7 -
I agree. Being able to sort emojis would be very useful.
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There isnt an easy way to do that where it wouldn't disrupt people who type out the emoji codes. My server tried that with underscores, and it was supremely unpopular. They preferred it the way it was now in comparison, and I wouldn't have come here if it was fine how it was.
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Why is rearranging discord emotes on a server in the emoji not already a thing? This seems like a massive oversight on the developmental end. Something like this should already be an implemented function.
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fingers crossed they add
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pls add discord sobs
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Two years later and this still isn't a feature implemented in Discord yet SMH. Right now your only option is to suck it while all your emotes are organized in REVERSE ALPHABETICAL ORDER!! WTFFFF
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I'd love to see this option.
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Discord, add this please!
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DISCORDDD add this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Or if you could rearrange them in the "emoji" tab of settings
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this is such a cool idea, but lets be honest. discord does not listen to suggestions
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this is such a cool idea, but lets be honest. discord does not listen to suggestions
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please discord pleaseeeeeeeeee
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please pleaaassseeee make this a thing it would make my life so much easier
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I could really use this. I don't want to be stuck using pictures of Lenin on our server because we can't set what emojis stay unlocked whenever the server boost ends.
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This is a good idea, how about the idea, discord?
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Why tf isn't this a feature. Even if it's just for Boosted/Partner servers, please do it, it's basic QoL change that shouldn't even be suggestion.
I can never find a single emoji, and other server owners name their emojis like batcrap.
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Certainly something I would LOVE to see!~
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Discord plz!
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