Shared Messages
On my Discord Server, the rules were posted by one admin. He's responsible for editing the rules. Oftentimes, he goes offline for a few days, and changes we want to make to the rules need to wait until he is able to edit them.
There should be an option (maybe a tick box or something) that allows Admins or people with the Manage Messages permission to edit the message, sharing the post. Anyone can contribute to it. Maybe the character limit will be increased from 2,000 to 10,000 as well.
a 3 dot menu action on messages, "allow these roles to edit > list of roles"
or if you have a lot of messages to send, use (allow edit access) /aea [csv roles, example: Admin, Owner] [message]
or even a "make server message", displaying a sent by the server itself, or "make role message", being sent by a role.
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Great idea!
My concept:
"Allow members of this role to edit messages sent by other messages of members with this role"2 -
I really like this idea and I hope it gets implamented. I am an Admin in a farily large server, and we wrote out a list of rules but it needs to be added to constantly. This would allow us to do this in an easier manner.
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I think this is only a good idea if you have a message sent from the group; so instead of Adam posting something, and others editing what is still attributed to Adam, have a message attributed to just "Admins" or whatever, so whoever posted it isn't credited for what others are saying.
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I think this would really help, and it would be great for community management & project development for when there's a list of things that people could add or subtract from.
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any update about this? from a community/server management perspective, it would really help!
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Jumping off the point made by LovelyDollParis, this should probably only work when there's something in place to credit the editors. Even if the message is not attributed to a “group” as suggested, at least an indication of all of its editors.
Also, a character limit increase seems outside the scope of this particular request and should be its own separate thing.
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