Text channels names
Be able to put spaces in the text channel names without a - and capital letters like in voice channels
I agree, it looks very inconsistent with voice channels using Capital Letters and Spaces but text channels having only lowercase letters and "-"s, I suppose the only reason they do this is so you can easily reference the channels by using "#general-chat is a good channel" for example but there could be a way around it by adding a "#" on the end as well as the front like "#General Chat# is a good channel" so Discord doesn't confuse the whole sentence as a channel name but only the words surrounded by "#"s.
Just a thought, would be a great implementation and this would make channels look much more cleaner and consistent!
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^^^^^^^ Thats exactly what i mean it would be a nice feature and make the channel list look much nicer
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That's a great idea discord xd
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Oh my goodness, I have the same complaint! I have serious OCD too!
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Franchement c'est une excellente idée !
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Please do this!!!
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This was made four months ago now so i doubt they will change it
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Making your text readable for people with reading issues should be a prime focus. Having the dashes in the channel names causes a lot of miscommunication on various genres of servers. Allowing a user to space these channels makes channel names like “help centre” easy to read. I have tested the channel spacing and found no issues with it prior to the patch. Why did Discord go out of their way to remove such a valuable feature? Users with dyslexia may have a hard time with these dashes being present. Although this will most likely be ignored as this post is pretty old, it will benefit the communication on your communication platform.
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fully agree with Shaun's comment. I do not see a potential negative to this.
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I think discord should implement this. Honestly it would make servers easier to read and navigate. I too also agree with shaun's comment
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I agree!
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Why can voice channels be capitalized, for example, “Dungeons”, and text channels - only with small letters - “dungeons” ???
Is this a bug with me or is something wrong?And why can not many characters be used?
Lower slash, for example? I love Raids_Party more than Raids-Party.
Sign "!!!" why not? "IMPORTANT!!!" more suitable than "_important_" ... There is no general logic that characters are not entered !!!0 -
It makes no sense that you can't use capital letters, spaces, and other punctuation in text channel names. One excuse is that you should be able to use # followed by channel name. But people seem to have completely forgotten that usernames and role names can have almost al Unicode characters just fine, and you can reference a user and role by typing @ followed by name. So the exact same system can be used for channel names.
Behind the scenes, all channels, users, roles, categories and everything is referenced by IDs. This means that when you type @ followed by that username using capital letters and spaces, it will be turned into a ID-reference when sent. This way, it doesn't matter what the name is, as the ID is just digits. When another client sees this message and reference, it will turn this into a readable username.
The same is already done for channel names. When you type # followed by a channel name, it is also turned into an ID just like a username. When another client sees this, it will turn it into a channel name for that user. Therefore if this channel name contains spaces or capital letters, it really doesn't matter. It works exactly the same as for usernames.
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I can't add any one what do I have to do
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I thought this was worth a bump because I was planning to make a post on something like this but I thought I would search for a thread relating to this first. This is a much needed change.
I think an automated tag making system that functions like default emoji tags being their image file names would be good. You name the channel and it takes the plain text and uses that in the tag. Any emojis would be replaced by the text form tags for said emojis that are used in a text channel name. Special text characters would be removed and spaces would be replaced with dashes.
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I'm not exactly sure I understand your suggestion here. Why can't we just have it like it is for usernames? Currently you can almost have anything in your username, and if you type @ and the username, it will be converted to <@USER_ID> behind the scenes and appear as the username with the correct characters in the chat. Channels work exactly the same, you type # and the channel name, and it will be converted to <#CHANNEL_ID> behind the scenes and appear as the channel name in the chat.
Therefore, because channel name and usernames are handled exactly the same, there should not be any issues for Discord to allow for spaces, capital letters and other special symbols. As far as the code is concerned, all channels are <#CHANNEL_ID> regardless of their name, so allowing for spaces in the name will not break this.
Basically; everything you can have in your username can appear as channel name without issue.
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People are complaining about this for over a year now, Discord isn't it time to implement this.
Spaces and Capital letters are all we really want!1 -
That is true, there was once even a command in Carl Bot to get whitespace in a channel (patched now) and you can still use unicode fonts in channels to get capital letters as channels. The whitespace in channels look quite good and it is still very easy to mention them in text. It is completely possible with minor drawbacks and I say its worth it but Discord obviously thinks otherwise probably because they like the current look of channels but I think it looks way better with at least whitespace instead of "-"s.
I still even have some channels left over from when the whitespace glitch wasn't patched, have a look:
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Not to be rude or anything but I made this 10 months ago and I really don't think complaining in this post will change anything
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#📋丨announcement , your welcome
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@Timmy The Sheep, but what about between words? Which this post is about.
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] its been 2 years and discord has still not considered this..
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Great idea, but all of you are missing one important value. On websites, do you see in URLs with %20? Well, that represents a space. This is the same for twitter, minecraft, etc. If you had a space and tried mentioning someone, it wouldn't ping them/tag them. This is exactly the same with tagging channels. You know when you try tag a channel and click space it doesn't show? That is the same thing that will happen, and their is no way to stop that (for now).
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This is false DevEnforcement. Spaced channels worked perfectly fine a few months ago via bot. I still have spaced channels and they link perfectly fine. The spacing did not impact anything because Discord is by ID, not by characters.
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This would be annoying anyways.. Use Unicode characters and ur golden.
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Alright guys stop talking here this is a dead suggestion and the chances that discord adds this are super low (I still think this should be a thing)
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Discord please
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