Get rid of the four digit tag numbers at the end of usernames
This is so frustrating and the reason I took so long to join discord. The useless random numbers at the end of usernames.
When someone irl asks me for my social media, I tell them everything except for discord. Why? Because I can't remember than random 4 digit code at the end. The exact same thing happens when I ask other people. It has happened at least twice, I asked for their username and they just give me their username, not the last 4 digits, since they didn't choose the numbers, and thus, don't remember (or even know its a thing).
No other social media does this, and it makes adding people extremely difficult. There isn't even a reason for it that I can think of.
It's astounding how this was actually made due to the sole fact that an imbecile couldn't claim poochyena#0001. It's clear as day that they are a troll and are simply just wanting to ruin shit for everyone else.
What else do you expect, especially when you are trying to claim a name of a Pokémon (which is obviously very popular) along with a #0001 tag? At what point does this ever click and process in that pinky sized brain?
It's actually fucking insane.
23 -
Wow, discord has hard data that the discriminator system was a bad idea, and yet y'all are still arguing to keep hitting yourself in the head with a rake repeatedly?
-26 -
Where is the hard evidence? 😂
Cause this is the only "hard" evidence of someone saying to remove it. And even then, almost every comment in here has explained how there are so many more disadvantages to removing the one thing that makes discord different then every other social media platform. I’m going to have the same problem that I have on platforms like twitter, twitch, etc. because I didn’t get the name iceyash first, so I had to add an underscore, which was also taken, then add words to the end. This defeats the purpose of the name, which is actually important to me3 -
TL;DR 40% of discord users don't know their discriminator or its purpose, 50% of friend requests fail to find the correct person.
You can set your display name to "Icey Ash" so you are shown the way you like, and you can set your username to "iceyash1234" or whatever you can easily remember. You show up in chat with the name you want, your friends can find you easily by your unique username.
-26 -
There is no numbers to my name, it’s just iceyash, or the real version, which is 2 more names, but I usually just put Icey Ash as the name, and iceyash as the tag name or whatever it’s called. Adding numbers defeats the meaning that is behind it? So why would I ruin a name that is based off of something I made, and have had for almost 3 to 4 years now?
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The point is that "iceyash" is useless on its own. If I wanted to add you as a friend I wouldn't be able to, because discord adds 4 random numbers at the end. Almost half of discord's users don't know those numbers are necessary and it adds friction to finding each other. Why not let users pick their own username, and if that one is taken, let them pick their own suffixes or prefixes instead of randomly generating a fixed number?
-26 -
But the numbers help people know the difference between me, and another Icey Ash, mainly because i have the full name on discord, but everything else is just Icey ash
If you’ve ever searched the name “Icey Ash” on YouTube, there’s many, but they all have specific links that make them different. Yet, nobody memorizes the link2 -
But they don't know your discriminator. Go ahead, ask your friends what your 4 digit numbers are without looking. VERY VERY unlikely any of them would know. If i joined the same server as you and used your same name and avatar, I could easily fool people into thinking I was you, since they don't have your discriminator memorized.
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With discriminators, you MUST have four random numbers after your username. You cannot remove them, but you can pay to change them. They're inseparable from your username, since they're needed to uniquely identify you. They have poor discoverability, as evidenced by almost half of discord users not being aware of their discriminators, and half of friend requests failing to find the intended person. The upside of being able to have 10 thousand people with the same pre-# part of the username is partially made moot by being able to set your display name in servers.
With usernames, you may have your chosen username, without random numbers, if no one else chose it before. If it's not unique, you may add numbers at the end, or add words or symbols before and after it to make it unique in the way you want. You can globally set your display name, which may be shared by any number of other people. Users can share their username without having to know the quirk of 4 random numbers and friend requests will immediately find the right person.
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My 2 cents about asking my friends their discriminators, I did that and we all listed it off by heart
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I refuse to believe anything other than that poochyena is a real life NPC.
That or a Discord plant.
15 -
sore loser, eh?
-26 -
Lemme know once you calm down and are able to articulate a response to the given arguments
-29 -
I honestly cannot believe I have to do this, but I'll drop the facts and keep it simple, there's literally no disputing it.
Discriminators are not an extension of your name, they never have and never will be for any platform that has ever, and will ever use them. They're an identifying set of numbers separate from your name.
Again, you're not poochyena3333#3333. You're Poochyena(#3333).Your other argument that you could just drop in a server I'm in and impersonate my friend is invalid. Chat history exists, and user IDs exist as well. I can also just call any of my friends to confirm who is who. There's many ways to confirm who someone really is.
You're pulling strawman arguments that lead nowhere and thinking you're so clever for them, like grow up already jesus. 😔
I really hope you and everyone else who is pushing for this update sleeps well at night, knowing that your selfishness sacrifices the livelihood of others through all sorts of malicious cyber activity, and that every potential victim has just become a much easier target on Discord.
And before you say some bullshit about "that never happens in any platform!" actually do some research and realize that it has, and absolutely will in the future. This opens the gate for stalking, harassment, scamming, blackmail, and so much more.I'm not about to repeat anything I had previously said in this god-awful thread, so if you can't get it through your thick skulls with that already, then clearly your intelligence is just far too low to even hope to comprehend how awful of an update this is for Discord in particular.
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Chat history exists, and user IDs exist as well.
Do you check the chat history every time you talk to someone in a server? Checking user ID wouldn't help since you wouldn't know that real person's discriminator unless you thoroughly investigate.
They're an identifying set of numbers separate from your name
The numbers do not identify me. What identifies me is the name and the numbers combined.
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I don't interact with large servers full of children that would do something like that, or potentially any other malicious individual that desires to impersonate. Again... strawhead argument. Learn a new trick, dog.
It's the name + discrim combination that leads someone to your profile, exactly... but that doesn't make the numbers a part of your name, you blockhead.
I genuinely wonder how many times you were dropped as a puppy. 😔
21 -
OK, as far as I can tell the final arguments for discriminators are:
- They're not part of people's identifiers but they're part of people's identifiers
- Insult
- Appeal to emotion, to think of the users being able to choose their own numbers and being put in great peril
- Insult
- Insult
- Reiterating that discriminators are a necessary part of your identifier
- Insult-17 -
Wow you actually do not have a brain LOL
I've given enough reasons throughout the comments here in the past, but you can find far more in the feedback thread.
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If your username changed from Autumn#1234 to Autumn1234, how would you be negatively affected? If you wouldn't be negatively affected, then why care?
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Because then I'd have numbers in my actual username, not within my discriminator.
I'm not Autumn1234#1234.
Invalid argument.14 -
You're arguing that because I can make my username Autumn1234, that it's more "free". This current Discriminator system allows you to put your name as quite literally whatever you want, and truly be the most unique.
I can already be just Autumn, and my discriminator can be whatever, whether random or if I pay for nitro to change it to a specific number. I can be literally anything I want without given the "that name is taken" prompt, assuming that I'm not trying to take the same name+discrim as someone else... which the chances of wanting the same one as someone else, given the ridiculous, near infinite possibilities with a-z, 0-9, special characters, etc... is astronomically low.
Your argument does not hold up, I'm sorry. Discrims allow for more creative expression than pomelo usernames, period.2 -
Because then I'd have numbers in my actual username, not within my discriminator.
Yes, and I'm asking you, whats the issue with that?
-3 -
Your display name, what you show up as, will remain as Autumn. Your username, the unique identifying feature of your account, can remain as Autumn1234 (instead of Autumn#1234) or you can go by Autumn1, Autumn12 or Autumn123 or countless other combinations. I fail to see how this is less freedom.
-2 -
Because I don't want numbers in my name, I'm okay with them as a discriminator because they're separate from my name. How is that so hard to understand?
It's the name + discrim combination that leads someone to your profile, exactly... but that doesn't make the numbers a part of your name, you blockhead.
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If you fail to see how it gives less freedom then you're absolutely in denial. you're restricted to a-z, 0-9. nothing else.
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I'm okay with them as a discriminator because they're separate from my name.
In what way are they "separate"? You literally can not identify someone without the name and discriminator together.
-3 -
In what way are they "separate"? You literally can not identify someone without the name and discriminator together.
Because when someone looks at my username it's not "Autumn#1234" or "Autumn1234", and when they open my profile they don't think of the discriminator as a part of my name, because it's not. It's quite literally not part of my name in any fashion, it's a separate thing, you're even referring to it as a separate thing, everyone is, has been, will be... it literally has a name for it, "Discriminator." It's a separate thing. Period.
3 -
Let's go back to the definition of username.
"an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service."
"Autumn" does not identify you. I cannot add you on discord with that. "Autumn#1234" does identify you.
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When someone looks at your *display name* they see Autumn. When they want to send your profile to someone else, they need your username, including the discrim.
-2 -
Because when someone looks at my username it's not "Autumn#1234" or "Autumn1234"
Thats your display name. Your name would still be "Autumn" even if your username was "Autumn1234".
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