PLEASE stop the E-mail / phone login verifcation nonsense


댓글 3개

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    Well then, i guess you don't care about account safety and are fine with someone stealing your discord account and also possibly using your bank details to purchase nitro on their 'new' shiny account created by someone else for free?
    At least be happy that discord are atleast trying to keep your discord account safe

  • sonya

    Hey hunter, so I wanna ask you something, can you help me disabled account back? I'm using my alt at the moment to find some ways for me to get back on the main account I got banned/disabled on. I already email discord and they sent me this thing to wait shortly.

  • shadowlight6

    @$h4døw__Hunt3r im sure you know about this problem with people getting theyre discord account disabled and the appeals being answred by bots..that has now happened to me..there a way you could connect the discord admins regarding that so i can get on discord with my account? my email is


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