Reporting User
Reporting User: 480856800724254720
Reason: Threatening to bot a server and threatening me with hacking.
Message Ids: 657994959453945856, 657995310932688898, 657995404465537024
Usuário de relatório:
435950101312307210razão: enviando a mesma mensagem muitas vezes (spam)
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User A: 662344489570009120
User B: 662337924263837706
They both joined at a similar time. They both posted images of mutilated human corpses, schwastickas and white supremacy images. They also spammed these images along with Alabama flags.
Server ID: 637068664188829706
Update: I caught another one right before they were about to start doing it
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Usuário Relatado - ID : 353839413379465227
Razão : Scam - Me mandou um arquivo .bat que podeira danificar o meu computador, ofensivo
Id das mensagens: 662445164182110208 662446009795870742 662446021204377600Prints
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I am reporting a user for asking my friends for "pictures" not just regular pics
User ID: 622878386712477708
Picture links:
Btw the top and bottom vids are tik toks they look like pics they are not.
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I am reporting a user for the guy was asking for my nudes in exchange for nitro
User ID: 140864581718376450
Picture :
-1 -
Reportando usuário : 670775702475505705
Motivo : Foi hackeado agora mesmo(O hacker entrou na conta do meu amigo)0 -
Message ID: 695551646104551434 User ID: 408375759749513236
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Reporting User: 503951983229665290
Reason: Online dating asking pictures of private parts, racism, joking about suicide, and a pervert
Pic of being racist:
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And more racism from 503951983229665290 He Kept Being racist and hes white in irl And he spammed the n word so much
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Guy threating to hack someone in our discord
The message and his two discord names
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This is a weird report but this is a discord bot that is Spamming users a link for Free Nitro scam.
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Usuário Relatado: 677676614355779614
Motivo: Ofensa, Spam.
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I had two visitors on turnip exchange. They jumped the barriers and started destroying my island. They were the last two on my exchange. I booted but they should be banned. Phil and Jess. I am not sure I know how to look them up. Exchange was just now sun aug 9 fizz villa
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Reporting user: CrispyForeskin#1994
Reason: Was being racist even when I asked politely to stop.
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Usuário relatado:686989723449032805
Motivos:Abuso de poder
Eu não estava fazendo nd e ele fico muitas vezes me banido dunada
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Discord Server:752324722007605399
Reporting User:750746738557714433
Reason:Lying to give nitro, and asking for the user ID.
Message Ids:752927966673240075
Server Link:
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What is nitro? I play animal crossing?
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Wach out for a guy named
AngelOfDeath #4887
He is a hacker he threaten my friends if she didnt send him her ip other people will hack her phone. He also sended a link wich we found out whas for tracking. He changed his after we blocked him please be careful with Hackers guys.0 -
I want to send this to a discord an official there are people I know who are IP pullers and I want them off of discord there id's are (624988406178381866 631492355228172332 749745713822564504)
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Hello, Hello, this ID from below is a Discord Hack it hacks accounts with the person's Discord ID!
before he hacked me several times, and he stole my money and therefore did something if not if the discord does not protect us !, I do not like that I am hacked. and this person enters people's accounts so they can take the person's nitros boosters per year with their payment method others pay for the hacks! I'm fed up !
this hack to a lot of Discord accounts !!!
ID : 561605175844798479 / 743445496051531776 / 312664661038202880 / 6573374033876746340 -
that's over 15 Discord accounts I've created!
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Usuário relatado: 747992766449057872
Motivo: Ele entrou em um servidor de uma amiga minha, e usou um bot (Selfbot eu acho), para apagar os cargos, chats e baniu a maioria dos membros. Ele também fez isso no servidor de um amigo, eu não estava no sv (tinha saido), mas um amigo que tava, me mandou mensagem falando pra tomar cuidado com ele e talz. Ai eu falei q ja conhecia ele e q ele tinha feito isso. Antes disso acontecer, ele copiava algumas coisas (Quase tudo) de um server de rpg que eu era adm, o sv foi raidado (não sabemos por quem, mas suspeitamos dele).Vou dxr o id desses 2 amgs: 400407224931057665 / 553558467571613707
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Usuario: 683861448279064636
Motivo: Raidou um servidor do discord do meu amigo juntamente com outra 1 pessoas, e snow: 288062661713723393
Provas:1 -
This guy was trying to hack me with A code that allowes them to get "our" discord token and he actually hacked my friend
His id: 771285338546765835
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So my server got raider afew days ago and, here are all the users that did
4112142888714895380 -
Im reporting this hacker. He told me that he hacked my PC and he is threating me
.( posting my personal information and other stuff linked with my identity)
He demands money
his id - 687744606791663776
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Eu estou denunciando este hacker
Motivo:Ele é um hacker,e ta passando coisas pessoais de outros users!
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Razão: menor de 13 anos
Id do grupo: 748541505773502496
Id da mensagem: 7570155463476510720 -
Usuário: sol#9999
Motivos do report: colocando emojis +18Id das mensagens: 74542446343212243, 773634491272134687
Id do usuário: 745424463432122439
Pelo que eu saiba você colocar emojis +18 em um server pra usar em outro server ou colocar em um grupo relógios é proibido então reportei esse usuário
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hello im came here to report a user who hacked my server i was gone to youtube when i came back i was this
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