That green update button.
So there I am chillin' with my bros, when suddenly one of my dudes just up and leaves. This makes me go, "ah snap, did he say where he was going", and one of my other dudes is all, "nah, he was talmbout how much skill it takes to play Master Yi then he up and left", and I'm all, "Y'know, Master Yi is a very hard champion to play, but he's broken in the right hands." The even more suddenly than before, my homie returns absolutely steamed, his goat gotten. He's all, "That dang innocent looking update button got me again", and I'm all "word?", and he's all "word. I believe that button is too innocent looking. I think a knife would fix the issue because if you see a button on your screen that's threatening you with a knife you think "Man I should see what this button wants." "Oh, a discord update?" "Bet!" and then you could warn your friends that you are about to update your discord." Honestly, I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment.
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