Why does discord randomly become very loud?


댓글 96개

  • Damian

    I'm having the same problem. On joining a voice channel more often than not everyone's voices are extremely loud and I must leave and rejoin multiple times until I get lucky and the issue resolves itself.

  • U̧͝n̡̢͜s͜p̷̕͝e͜a̧͠k̕a͠b̡̀͘l̕e̢͡

    My girlfriend is having the same Problem... Trying to fix it with a complet clean install of Discord, Turning of the Overlay and using the Lagacy Subaudiosystem but nothing works.

    Are you using a Razor Headset?

  • Oni-Nero

    The same thing is happening to me and I want it fixed I tried uninstalling and nothing still happens. I have to close the application multiple times and even than it takes way too long

  • Apollo

    Yup, got the same thing. Guess its time for TeamSpeak.

  • Chika

    I also have this problem and its seriously getting on my nerves, its started happening in the middle of calls too where for about 5 seconds sound will gradually get louder and louder to the point it hurts my ears and I have to take my headset off and then there is distorted white noise like sound before going back to normal. This post was made 16 days ago and its infuriating me how they have done nothing to address nor fix the issue.

  • Gingin

    I'm also having the same issue.
    Been happening for almost 2 weeks now if not more.

  • CryptoGrounds

    same here, literally just move from voice chat to a private call and the ringing was so loud it was extremely distorted. it was like watching a video of screaming ear rape that is extremely loud

  • Xounaut

    Same issue for almost a month now. My Mic will also not be detected on occasion. 

  • Jet_Man17

    same issue for me, happens multiple times per call and i just have to mute them for a few seconds then it returns back to normal. not my headphones because other games without discord works fine with no issues. It just deafens me for like 10 seconds then fine... very weird.

  • Heed

    It would be nice if Discord would answer this question.  I've been having this problem for about a month now.  It seems to happen more in raid.  Tonight, our guild was doing a boss fight in WOW, and the Discord server started digitizing.  Several people relogged during fight, and the Discord started acting up again.  For me, when someone starts talking, the volume gets louder and louder till it's completely distorted and miserable, and I have to take my headset off.  I can't keep doing this in Mythic Dungeons and Raids when I'm healing.  Discord, please answer this problem.

  • KiKiPOV

    Same problem here... When I join everybody is at 400% volume and extremly distorted. When I reconect several times everything goes back to normal... But still it is very annoying and Discord sometimes crashes when I reconect several times

  • SourDiesel(K9)

    Very same problem here. Using razer man o war wireless headset. Can only get ppl to normal noise level at like 3% lmao. Please fix this issue discord.. it has been like a month now.

  • AutonomousN

    Same issue here. In some instances for me, other apps increase in volume as well. There have been instances where I have been playing Rocket League and its volume as well as the voices in Discord increase to an unbearable level. I have tried changing the audio subsystem and nearly everything I could find that even somewhat relates to this issue. I really hope someone can figure this out. It is highly irritating.

  • Nurupo

    I'm having same problem here. It's really frustrating. I noticed that volume is doubled every time I switch between input/output devices.

  • MerlinTheElf

    Having the same problem. Been about 2 months now with this issue. It randomly gets so loud I have to remove my headset, then suddenly it will be fine again, but this happens several times an hour. Also quite often when I join a chat there's no input from my mic. I have to go to the task manager and end the discord task, then starting it again for it to work. This doesn't fix the volume issue at all though..

  • Megan

    having the exact same issue, everyone's voices will progressively get more loud and distorted until i hagve to take my headset off

  • jalapenis

    I've had the same problem a while now and I am wondering if we all have something in common, I saw a comment earlier about a guy withe the razer Man o' war headset who had the problem and was wondering if everyone else had a man o'war headset because thats the case for me. I wonder if it is a man o' war discord problem but I am not sure as it could in theory happen to anyone with any headset,

  • MerlinTheElf

    I have the Razer Man O'War headset aswell!

  • Chika

    Strange, I also have the Man O'War...

  • Mosii

    I don't have the Man O'War but the Razer Chroma... So it might be Synapse or a other razer program?

  • Xounaut

    Are you guys using synapse 2.0 or the old one? I also have a man o war but I have both synapses. I definitely think there is a correlation here between the two.

  • Chika

    I use the older version of synapse. Wouldn't surprise me if synapse is the root of the problem due to the countless other issues it causes.

  • AutonomousN

    I also have a Man O' War headset with both versions of Synapse installed

  • Megan

    I have the old razer kraken 7.1

  • KiKiPOV

    old Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma Razer Synapse software version 2.21

  • Xounaut

    So I uninstalled Synapse 2.0 and my problems are now long gone...

  • HoboMan118

    Same, uninstalled Synapse 2.0 and reset my PC, works fine now.

  • DredgenRinz

    so, its a problem between synapse and discord? i have this issue since 2 weeks ago, i think thats probably only me (because no one of my contacts have razer audio devices), but if that is a temporaly solution, then uninstall synapse should fix it for nom? damm

  • Irish

    just wanted to add another message to this - Razer Wireless Man o War - Started having this issue on reinstalling Synapse recently - Just uninstalled and problem has vanished.


  • toad

    i also have razer wireless man o war and had this problem! :( i can't uninstall synapse because i'm on a razer laptop


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