Major School Hub Email System Concerns


댓글 4개

  • Luhama

    As an owner of a school community related discord server myself, I am thoroughly excited and pleased by the concept of "School Hubs." It seems like an interesting and immersive way for students of all status to connect and meet on a common likeable media platform.
    I would love if there were some sort of benefits or special settings for School related servers that allow them to have Homework integrations or an automatic class role assigning system.

  • Frith

    You should expect that people whose ISP switches around their apparent geolocation (I suspect by switching loads between IXP's), thereby changing their "location", will get blocked by Discord until they provide Discord with a "smart phone" number. If a person does not have a "smart phone", they are out of luck. Apparently Twitter has started to do this as well. You should find some other platform for your school hub.

  • Luhama

    You should expect that people whose ISP switches around their apparent geolocation (I suspect by switching loads between IXP's), thereby changing their "location", will get blocked by Discord until they provide Discord with a "smart phone" number. If a person does not have a "smart phone", they are out of luck. Apparently Twitter has started to do this as well. You should find some other platform for your school hub.

    This shouldn't be so much of a problem for anybody living in Australia, where I don't think any ISPs will be using overseas IXPs due to geographical proximity.
    At least this is how I understand IXPs, probably not true of how they work

  • ShamanDorn

    The same occurs for me. I'm a student in NSW and we have state-wide emails. I believe every state in Australia does. I think the only way to properly combat this would be to have school hub moderation or to only allow students to join one school hub for their email.


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