Add an option to give a lil description to Roles
Hi, Discord Team
I have a feedback request regarding your 'Roles' feature,
is it possible sometime in the future that roles have a small description may 25 - 50 words or so, so that the user can understand a little bit about those roles. In many servers roles are like a level and the higher role u get the more and more premissions ur granted, for example lets say your level 1 and in level 1 u can only type basic messages and nothing else in level 2 u are granted the premission to speak in voice channels etc. This will be a really cool feature in my opinion but as always, your opinion is what makes a change to the discord family, Thank you
{PS; crap thats a lotta of reading since u made it this far heres a cookie: 🍪}
Ooo free cookie! Yes discord please add small descriptions box. 200 characters is probably a good number for the length limit. This comment is 200 characters, and I feel like less wouldn't be enough.
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