Don’t allow adding more attachments than the upload limit allows
I noticed a few months ago that when you try adding more attachments than the upload limit (currently 10), all of the items would attach - unlike before where you’d get a message saying the max number for attachments is 10 when you try to add more. However, when you try to send message with the attachments, it would appear as if it’s sending the message but would disappear moments after along with the attached items.
Surely we can count how many pictures we send and notice if we’re past the limit, but if we miscount we have the choose the attachments and write the message all over again, which is a downgrade compared to the previous versions.
This happens on iOS 14.6 and on Android 11 (although on Android message does remain as a failed message).
I also *think* i happens on Windows 7 as well, but it seems to work well on Windows 10 according to a friend so I might be wrong about that.
Agreed. It let me select over 10 images when there is basically no reason to (its happening in the Discord app, not my file explorer or gallery)
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