new mobile layout is trash
93 12 댓글
Option to Disable Automatic Scrolling to Newest Message on Mobile
91 53 댓글
Mobile calls
86 6 댓글
Siri Shortcuts (Workflow)
86 12 댓글
Android Chat Bubbles 완료
86 9 댓글
Screen share for mobile! 답변함
86 2 댓글
Explore Public Servers on Mobile
83 32 댓글
An option to toggle the dragging and dropping of server lists 완료
83 14 댓글
More server/DM search options
83 11 댓글
Send pictures in the order you select them! Or a specific given order.
83 11 댓글
Colorblind Mode (Mobile)
82 6 댓글
Please make it harder to delete individual posts on mobile 완료
82 14 댓글
Mobile voice mic selection
80 2 댓글
78 3 댓글
iOS app icon red dot notification for mobile
78 27 댓글
Multiple accounts
76 6 댓글
Swipe Reply Disable/Enable Feature
74 45 댓글
mobile folder editor
73 4 댓글
Copy Text in Embeds (iOS)
73 6 댓글
Amazon Prime Music
72 12 댓글
Server management for Emoji's, and webhooks
71 2 댓글
An option to hide the emotes which can't be used (without nitro)
70 5 댓글
Critical bug with Discord and iOS broadcast extension
69 31 댓글
Global down vote for new Discord UI.
68 2 댓글
Add Apple CarPlay and Android Auto feature
68 14 댓글
Android Embed Copy-Cooldown for the fields
68 46 댓글
Add server “mark as read” feature 완료
67 12 댓글
Fix it
66 4 댓글
Bad Mobile UI
66 2 댓글