Optional message settings
0 0 댓글
0 0 댓글
Cool down mode should not effect direct message anymore
1 0 댓글
Deleting chats suggestion
1 0 댓글
chat language feature
1 0 댓글
My reverse numbered list gets reordered wrong
2 1 댓글
Make the new emoji suggestion feature under the chat box on mobile possible to toggle off
5 2 댓글
Voice messages on desktop
0 0 댓글
Deleting other peoples messages from your view
3 2 댓글
Please Implement HDR (.jxr) Image Embeds
0 1 댓글
Does this break the rules?
-1 0 댓글
Allow "Pin posts" to be its own permission separate
3 0 댓글
[Feature Request] Upgrades to GIF Picker
0 0 댓글
[FEATURE REQUEST] Amount of replies on a message
2 0 댓글
Be careful with groups
0 0 댓글
Don't mark channels as unread when all unread messages have been deleted
4 0 댓글
[feature request] the ability to loop user uploaded videos
0 0 댓글
Feature Suggestion: React with Soundboard
1 0 댓글
Discord DMS
1 3 댓글
Editing the original message
1 0 댓글
Search bar for Favourites GIF section
1 0 댓글
Discord for Windows
1 2 댓글
Conditional role pinging
2 1 댓글
Disable being added to Group Chats
1 0 댓글
Unlimited Group Chat
-2 0 댓글
Can not reply to people that ask for help. Please allow "replying" as long as noone blocked eachother.
0 0 댓글
Please allow users to mute/block pings from REPLIES
0 0 댓글
He wants my information via chat, he will copy me and do bad things.
0 1 댓글
Moving message/post/thread
0 0 댓글
Forum - Non expiring posts
4 3 댓글